Impeachment Update Part 1 – Democrats may win this battle... 

Impeachment Update Part 1 – Democrats may win this battle... 

Bottom Line: Candid confession time. I didn’t spend 30 seconds of my life watching the impeachment shame yesterday. I didn’t need to. I read two quotes from two of the three angry Democrats masquerading around as elite college professors and saw plenty. Take this one for example: 

Stanford Law Professor Pamela Karlan: When President Trump invited — indeed, demanded — foreign involvement in our upcoming election, he struck at the very heart of what makes this a republic to which we pledge allegiance.

Umm, anyone else alarmed that a Stanford Professor has decided that she’s judge and jury that the President of the United States is guilty of a crime he hasn’t been charged with that hasn’t included due process. That is literally anti-American. So is this from another anti-American professor. 

Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman: If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy. We live in a monarchy or we live under a dictatorship.

Ironically enough it was through a 1998 Harvard study, in which I learned that only 1.5% of Americans are analytical in their approach to information. Which independent of this story is where most of your bias in education, news – life generally, comes from. Few attempt to establish, let alone consider, all facts prior to jumping to conclusions. Take the anti-American professor Feldman. Inside of two statements in testimony for the purpose of impeachment, he failed civics twice. If we cannot impeach a president who abuses his office for personal advantage, we no longer live in a democracy. How about let’s start with the fact that we don’t live in a democracy? What do you think professor Feldman? This is a representative republic and you damn well better believe in the context of electing a President and impeaching him that matters. Donald Trump is President of the United States precisely because we’re not a democracy. Maybe that’s your first issue with him? And the second part of that statement:If we cannot impeach...We live in a monarchy or we live under a dictatorship.Ironically, what you’re advocating is precisely what a monarch or dictator would do. Convict without actual charges or due process. This is the antithesis of analytical thought and is anti-the American system of government. 

Again, I’ve rejected the premise of this impeachment process from the onset. Democrats have been attempting to impeach President Trump quite literally from the day he took office. There’s demonstrable proof. It’s an absurd joke that a July 25th call with the Ukranian President was the start of the Democrats impeachment effort. It’s even more absurd that a whistle-blower who wasn’t a witness to a crime that wasn’t committed is the real catalyst. Therefore, it’s not the least bit surprising that every subsequent effort to advance a false premise is equally as absurd. 

Democrats control the House and impeachment is a political process in the House – so if they decide they want to “win” this battle to impeach him they can... But in the second part of this story I’ll illustrate how they’re losing this war. 

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