Creating snowflakes may be bad for your children

Creating snowflakes may be bad for your children

Bottom Line: If you bristle at participation trophy's and aren’t afraid to say Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, this story will make sense to you. If you’re still trying to figure out how many genders there are, this one might sting a little. But maybe better late than never to face reality and some non-PC adversity. A study published in the Scientific Journal, Nature shows... 

  • Manageable stress at a young age may lead to longer lives

Imagine that, right? Who’d have guessed? But again, this isn’t just survey work that might not be reliable. It’s scientific. Without getting into the weeds it’s like this. After lab tests on worms, scientists found that oxidative stress early in life led to greater stress tolerance later in life and longer life spans as a result. Kids aren’t worms but the scientists stated that the controls should translate to all living creatures. Plus, it makes sense. Not facing adversity isn’t realistic in life. Not introducing your kids to adversity likely would set them up for what some would refer to as “thinner skin” later in life. Scientifically speaking its likely undeveloped stress hormones will set your kids up to deal worse with adversity when it does strike. In other words, just say no to snowflakes – unless we’re talking weather.

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