Revisited: Good news/bad news when it comes to our biggest stress in life

Good news/bad news when it comes to our biggest stress in life

Bottom Line: First world problems come to mind with this one. In fact, not just first world but the kind of first world problems that come with the greatest economy in American history. Here we are in the greatest economy in American history. The average American has the highest wages, highest retirement account balances, highest standard of living we’ve ever had and yet 68% say they’ve never been more stressed. So, what’s driving it? 

Politics. 78% of us say politics is the biggest source of stress in our life. This according to One Poll. Now, to a certain extent I can appreciate this. Truth be told we’re in the mist of the greatest conspiracy in American history and a full-court press to impeach the president who’s responsible for the policy that’s responsible for the record prosperity. If I thought 78% of Americans understood the premise and cared so much about retaining the integrity of the republic – I'd totally understand. Based on the politicians that people voted for that have led us to this impeachment process however, I’m not so convinced. Instead, this is a reminder that elections have consequences. And nothing important comes easy in life. That includes this republic. Take at look at what had to happen to achieve it in the first place. Retaining it was always bound to be a challenge as well. 

The irony of the 78% who cite politics as the biggest stress – is that the voter participation rate in 2016 was 61.4%. More people say politics is their biggest source of stress than voted in the Presidential election. Teachable moment perhaps?

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