Compensation at Domestic Violence Coalition Questioned

Florida lawmakers are responding to the growing scandal involving the Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

"We were told there was about $750,000 in executive salary," House Ethics Committee Chairman Tom Leek said, "and that raised the question- to find that $750,000 in executive salary somehow gets to approximately $7 million over the course of three years- that's shocking."

Leek accused the coalition of stonewalling an audit until it released more than 100-thousand documents this week. Papers show that the Coalition's former CEO Tiffany Carr received more than $7 million in compensation over three years. That's five times higher than the governor makes. How could this have happened?

"You know things work until they don't. In this instance, the council was providing the services it needed to provide. Somewhere along the way, they lost their way."

Governor Ron DeSantis asked the Chief Inspector General for a complete review of the coaltion to determine if a criminal investigation is warranted.

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