Florida News – Highlights from around the state – February 20th

Florida News – Highlights from around the state – February 20th

Bottom Line: Your daily recap of the some of the biggest news from around the state that impacts you in South Florida.

  • A federal appeals court has ruled felons in Florida are allowed to register to vote without having completed financial restitution as Florida law mandates and the Amendment 4 advocates argued before the Florida Supreme Court. This ruling supersedes the Florida Supreme Court ruling upholding the state law.
  • According to a new twenty-year study from FIU, researchers found hurricanes Wilma and Irma had a positive impact on the Everglades by replenishing minerals in soil. They also found mangrove forests significantly reduce the impact of the storms to surrounding areas by blunting the force of the wind and offering a physical barrier to erosion.
  • FAU is leading a new research study to review the impact of toxic algae for people who live near impacted areas. Previous tests have shown the toxic blue-green algae can be breathed in by simply being nearby. An initial study in 2018 during the worst of the recent bloom crisis showed 95% of people living near waterways with the algae tested positive with biomarkers. 
  • The State of Florida is set to vote to end its DCF contract with the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence. This comes on back of an investigation that revealed an abuse of money provided by the state for DCF related services. The organization which dates bac to 1977, has been the sole contractor for DCF.
  • Movers in the state session on Wednesday included a resolution condemning white nationalism, the bill barring the use of DNA information for insurance companies, the Healthy Marriage bill – designed to outline topics couples should consider prior to getting married and the bill that’d overhaul the accountability process for underperforming schools.

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