Florida's Coronavirus update

Florida's Coronavirus update

Bottom Line: Yesterday was a day filled with a mix of generally positive news from the federal state governments regarding the coronavirus – with some caveats. The improved news includes - still just two confirmed cases in Florida and from the federal government’s perspective faster test kits are being deployed across the country. In Florida, we’ll now have test results within two days rather than up to five. It’s unrealistic to think the spreading of the virus won’t get worse before it gets better but if we continue to effectively manage the spread while making progress on ways to combat it, we can hope for a leveling off in infections. We’ve seen that begin to happen in the most impacted countries like China and Italy. 

Here’s where we now stand in Florida: 

  • 2 cases – 0 deaths – 0 recovered


  • 103 cases –6 deaths – 9 recovered


  • 91,307– 3120 deaths – 48,244 recovered

This leaves us with a closed case death rate of 6% worldwide and it’s much higher in the United States due to the outbreak in King County, Washington – where all six deaths occurred at the EvergreenHealth hospital. We currently are 10th in the world for cases. The big concern stateside remains nursing homes and related healthcare facilities with anyone who is already medically compromised. As the Florida Health Department has guided, anyone with pre-exiting conditions, including high-blood pressure and diabetes, are at high risk of complications if they were exposed to the virus.

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