Florida News – Highlights from around the state – March 5th

Florida News – Highlights from around the state – March 5th

Bottom Line: Your daily recap of the some of the biggest news from around the state that impacts you in South Florida.

  • Despite the coronavirus, consumer confidence in Florida rose in February its highest level since November of 2000. Personal consumer confidence reached a record high during the month. Floridian’s have never felt better about their personal finances than they currently do. 
  • Miami’s Ultra Music Festival is set to be postponed or canceled due to coronavirus fears. The concert, scheduled for Bayfront Park March 20th-22nd, had been the subject of debate since the first diagnosed cases of coronavirus were reported in Florida.
  • According to a study by Brainley, Floridians are procrastinators. Florida is second in the country to only Louisiana...for to putting off doing what we’d prefer not to do for as long as possible. 
  • The Water Management District Board’s review of the Seven Springs Water Co.’s permit to allow Nestle to pump water out of Florida’s Springs is complete. Their survey experts are recommending a no vote on the permit’s renewal at an upcoming board meeting. This could be the first of several significant decisions to limit access to Florida spring water after recent studies have shown a significant deterioration of them due the bottling of water from them.
  • An amendment to “Alyssa’s Law” in the House called the “Kaia Rolle Act” was added yesterday. The addendum creates a separate protocol for the arresting/detainment for children under ten in Florida’s Schools. This after six-year-old Kaia Rolle’s recent school arrest video went viral. 
  • Movers in Wednesday’s state session included the bill calling for a moment of silence to start the school day and a bill that’d reign in the false use of emotional support animals in the state.

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