Two Floridians Die From Corona Virus

Tallahassee, Fl. (Florida News Network)-State health officials report there are now two deaths in Florida from corona virus. They include a Santa Rosa man, Governor Desantis had just announced on Thursday. The other Covid-19 related death was a patient in Lee County that case had not yet been announced. In the announcement late Friday, the department also said two Broward County men had been identified as “presumptive positive” for the contagious virus, known as COVID-19. One of the men is 75 years old, while the other is 65, and both will be in isolation until cleared by public-health officials.

In presumptive positive cases, results have been found positive by state labs, but confirmation is still needed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The number of Florida-related corona virus cases has steadily increased, after initial announcements last weekend. The Department of Health website listed 12 positive cases, with six involving Florida residents in the state, five involving residents out of the state and one non-resident who is in the state.

The state also had 88 pending test results, and 278 people were being monitored, the Department of Health website said late Friday. Another 100 tests had been negative.

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