Coronavirus update – April 2nd

Coronavirus update – April 2nd

Bottom Line: This daily update is designed to put everything in perspective with straight-forward facts. No hyperbole, no misinformation, no “bad math”. Tuesday President Trump prepared us for a rough two weeks and on Wednesday we began to see why. The US crossed 200 thousand cases and five thousand deaths in the – making it easily the deadliest day yet in this country. We also learned from intelligence reporting that China almost certainly has under reported what’s happened in their country and the Coronavirus Task Force said the under-reporting almost certainly created a larger threat around the world as governments were analyzing inaccurate data. Currently China is shown to have the 4th most cases in the world with the lowest death rate reported for closed cases at 4%. 

Here’s where we now stand in Florida: 

  • 7,773 cases – 101 deaths 


  • 215,344 cases – 5,112 deaths – 8,878 recovered


  • 937,941 – 47,273 deaths – 195,188 recovered

We experienced more than 77k additional cases worldwide on Wednesday with more than 26,000 new cases in the US and 1,057 deaths. The United States continues to lead the world in total cases by a wide margin over Italy and Spain. In more promising news, more than 1,600 Americans were proven to have beaten the virus as we have more total recoveries than deaths in our country. 

The most disconcerting aspect of the virus remains the death/recovery rate based on closed cases. The death rate remained at 19% worldwide for the third consecutive day. This after having reached a low of 6% four weeks ago. We’ve seen the death rate rise as the reach of the virus grows. The common pattern with the virus spreading is an increase in death rates with vulnerable early on, followed by improving rates overtime as people begin to recover. Hopefully we begin to see progress with the death rate along with spring. The traditional flu season generally ends in April.

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