LISTEN/LINKS: South Florida Summer Camps Can Begin Monday

Summer camps can begin on Monday in South Florida, but it won't be business as usual.

Parents have fewer choices this summer with many camps being canceled. Some will operate virtually. Others are offering a combination of virtual and in-person activities.

Children's Trust Community Outreach Specialist Sandra Camacho says, "We're encouraging our providers to meet all the guidelines: hand washing and providing hand sanitizers. We are even helping some of our providers with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)."

While camps are doing their part to provide a safe environment, Camacho notes parents also have the responsibility to keep kids at home if they are not feeling well.

She stresses it's a parent's personal choice whether to feel it's safe to send a child to camp, but it's good to let kids be kids again because, "Some of them have experienced the sense of sadness that they didn't get to say goodbye to their friends in person. So this is a way for them to reconnect with their friends and make new friends."

Click here to find Children's Trust surveyed summer camps.

At home activities can be found here.

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