Border Wall Update - October 2020

Border Wall Update - October 2020

Bottom Line: While the focus is centered on the final four weeks of the Presidential race, one of President Trump’s campaign promises of four years ago continues to rapidly take shape. The Wall. Throughout the course of 2020 the pace of border wall construction has accelerated, and that’s certainty been the case over the past few weeks as Customs and Border Patrol’s most recent Border Wall update shows significant progress and a milestone having been reached.

As for that progress, here’s the latest based on data available from Customs and Border Patrol entering October:

  • Over 900 miles of border wall
  • 350 New miles of wall under the Trump administration
  • 48% of our Southern border with Mexico containing some form of barrier – up from 34% pre-Trump
  • An average of 43 miles of new wall being built per month (up from 18 a month ago)

It’s interesting that the daily progress being made with the construction of our Southern border wall, with a corresponding decline in illegal immigration, is being ignored by news media this time around. Aside from this progress is another interesting dynamic. At the pace from a year ago it would have taken 59 years to complete President Trump’s vision of a border wall with Mexico. Because of the progress made over the past year, that’s now down to 4 years. If President Trump were reelected and kept the wall moving along at about this pace, he’d have the border wall complete about three months prior to the end of his second completed term. To be continued...

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