Top Three Takeaways – January 15th, 2021

Top Three Takeaways – January 15th, 2021

  1. Talkers. Doers. Fighters. Those are my three takeaways today as we wrap up what I feel is one of the most consequential weeks in American history. Throughout the week I’ve illustrated in numerous ways the connection between the cancel culture, the censorship culture and those leading the charge in Washington who are about to assume power. If you’re tuning in today and you’ve missed my work this week. Go back and read or listen to it. It’s likely the most important work of my career. That’s because there’s no more important issue in our society than freedom of expression. And we’ve never had a bigger threat to that freedom than what’s been presented to us over the course of a week. The coordinated effort by the woke left to reign in speech through political correctness backed up by the biggest technology companies in the world outright censoring wide sways of speech in a matter of hours, starting with the President of the United States, is culminating with an impeachment of a president after he leaves office because Democrats don’t want to leave open the possibility that you could vote for him again. Think about all of this for a moment. The threat to our greatest freedom and founding principal is under an unprecedented assault. The left wants control of culture through speech. They want control of what can be expressed politically. They want to ensure you can’t vote for the current President of the United States again. And it’s all happening right now. Why? Because when it comes to political change most people are talkers. Incidentally, this includes most politicians, most of the time. That stands in contrast to...
  2. Doers. Two questions. One that’s easy, one that’s not. Here’s the easy one. Would the United States have ever existed if all of our founding fathers were talkers? While there’s a place for talkers within movements to help communicate, set the stage, advocate, etc. Meaningful societal change has never occurred with words alone. Even the best diplomacy, a la Reagan’s message to Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall was only effective because he’d built up the military, including an unparalleled nuclear arsenal that the communists couldn’t keep up with and were going broke attempting to. Hence peace through strength. Nothing meaningful in life will ever be accomplished without doers. These are the people that carry out the necessary work to exact change. That leads me to the second and more difficult question. There were 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. How many can you name? And that’s the point. Most doers aren’t household names but they’re the ones that make it happen. How successful do you think the American Revolution would have been if the only principals were those you could name? And that takes us to the...
  3. Fighters. This requires no explanation. We know who the fighters are. We know what their role is in exacting meaningful change. If talkers set the stage and doers lay the foundation it’s fighters who carry out the mission. Now let me present you with a few names. I want you to identify them as based on if they’re talkers, doers or fighters. George Washington. Which was he? Margaret Sanger. What was she? How about Adolf Hitler or Martin Luther King Jr. As we’re readying to observe MLK Day? It’s a trick question. They’re all three. Those who are the most effective among us, those who are able to change the world are all three. For good or for bad. But also note something else they all have in common. They’re targets. Now, let me throw one more name your way. Donald Trump. Is he a talker, a doer or a fighter? Or is he the rare combination of all three too? He’s been compared to Hitler by some on the left. He’s been compared to Washington by some on the right. Clearly, he’s all three as well. And that’s why he’s been a target since prior to taking the oath of office. That’s also why the left is bent on targeting him even after he’s out of office. I’ll leave you with the rhetorical question I’ve asked all week. If you don’t stand for freedom of expression, what do you stand for? But understand something. This has never been about targeting Donald Trump. This has been about targeting you. Donald Trump was the vessel as a talker, doer and fighter but you were always the target. That’s why the censors banned a platform Trump was never even on and why they want to take away your option to vote for meaningful change. The action item for you is this. Provided you a well-intended person, never cave to political correctness another day in your life. And never vote for someone who supports limiting your voice ever again. That’s where this next movement starts.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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