Q&A of the Day – What’s next for Rush Limbaugh’s Show?

Q&A of the Day – What’s next for Rush Limbaugh’s Show?

Each day I feature a listener question sent by one of these methods.

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

Parler & Twitter: @brianmuddradio

Today’s entry: What’s going to happen with Rush Limbaugh’s show?

Bottom Line: First I want to thank you for the outpouring of well wishes, support, sadness and questions. If I haven’t responded to yours personally yet, I intend to. Regarding questions, the most common has been that one. What’s next for Rush Limbaugh’s show. If you happened to hear Todd Herman’s explanation on Rush’s show yesterday you have a good idea. You’re going to continue to hear familiar voices you’ve grown to love over the past year while Rush was receiving treatment. Along with the man himself. They’ll be a combination of the hosts teeing up the issues of the day while introducing Rush’s take on those issues over the years. The Rush Limbaugh Show will remain the Rush Limbaugh Show for the foreseeable future and it’s as important as ever that we’re there to hear to it. Which segues into the other dynamic I want to address. The critical role you play going forward.

One of the notes I’ve received over the past couple of days came from a listener named Lynn. Among her words of encouragement, she told me to never stop doing this because I’m needed now more than ever. It struck me for two reasons. First, it was exactly my message for those I most admire in the industry...Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Victor Lisle (Victor is our legendary station voice whom you’ve heard narrating within Rush’s show the past couple of days). Three men I love, in a way idolize and frequently worry about. They're all already workaholics who sacrifice themselves for their work. The second, is because that’s the plan but it’s up to you. You are more important to us than ever before.

None of this ever would have happened if it weren’t for Rush. But Rush never would’ve happened if it weren’t for you. It’s always been a team effort. What would Rush want of all of us? He’d want us to take the movement he created and to do our part not just to sustain it but to grow it. So right now, I’d ask you to listen as loyally as ever, prioritize patronizing our sponsors where they’re a good fit for your needs and not to be afraid to evangelize. And I personally promise you that I’ll give you everything I’ve got for as long as I can from right here in South Florida...that is for as long as you afford me the opportunity. Thank you and may God bless you.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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