Top Three Takeaways – March 5th, 2021

Top Three Takeaways – March 5th, 2021

  1. And Atlas Shrugged. Now Clarence Thomas has been canceled. No really, that’s the latest that Amazon has decided to do. Now some people might look at a documentary about a Black Supreme Court Justice’s life as an effectual piece of American history which could prove to be as inspirational as it would be informational. If you’re Amazon, you see a conservative role model for Black youth which evidently can’t be made available for anyone to see. This as Amazon has removed the documentary from its library. I said it yesterday, everyday there’s another example of something crazy. The only question is what it’ll be. There’s yesterday’s example. My question is this. Do we care so little about our freedom and constitutional rights that we’ll just place our next Amazon Prime order and shrug because it’s convenient? We’re literally paying for censorship and the erosion of our rights. That’s pretty messed up. And by we, I mean not me because rest assured there’s no way in hell I’ll contribute to their cause. As for most of the rest of what I see... And Atlas Shrugged. But if something should be canceled...
  2. The Nikki Fried Show should be canceled. But that’d require a news media interested in facts over political escapades. The same local and state news media which failed to investigate and report why Florida hasn’t received vaccines equitable to our state’s population under the Biden administration, has decided to cover Fried’s repeated, baseless accusations. Yesterday’s episode, the most outrageous yet, featured a series of baseless claims about pay for play vaccines by Governor DeSantis. This was neatly timed with her friends at the Miami Herald running a story that has nothing to do with Governor DeSantis but that implies it does. In fact, the Herald’s reporting was so demonstrably false and off base that Florida’s Emergency Management Director, Democrat Jared Moskowitz, had this to say: Suggestions that Publix is receiving vaccine because of political favoritism are unfounded and utter nonsense. Indeed, but it’s not just the Herald's false reporting – or all of the other lemmings in news media who picked up their bunk reporting designed to smear Governor DeSantis. The Nikki Fried Show is utter nonsense as well and it didn’t stop with false claims about Publix. The Herald nor Fried chose to acknowledge that local officials allocating federal vaccines isn’t a state decision steering where they go. To those false claims also made in the Herald’s hit piece Moskowitz said those claims are misleading and wrong. Nevertheless, feeding on the ignorance of their audience, FBI investigations and such. I’d laugh at the extent of the absurdity and the depths that state and local news media will go to not to investigate the actual vaccine supply issues for Florida, at the federal level, but will to manufacture fake news to attempt to destroy our governor...but there’s the issue of Nikki actually being the Agriculture Commissioner. That’s still a thing. The Nikki Fried Show needs to be canceled and she needs to tend to the job she was elected to do. However as long our state’s news outlets continue to feed her ego, they’ll ensure Nikki’s as derelict in her duties as they are in theirs.
  3. It’s Friday and we live in paradise. We’ve got that going for us. Here’s the thing. Don’t take it for granted. Many of us have local elections next Tuesday. How many of the candidates in your community agree with the cancel culture, Fried freakouts, etc.? Don’t forget that every election has consequences, and as insane as it is out there you can preserve sanity at home. Take the time this weekend, if you haven’t already, to inform yourself and next Tuesday be sure to vote...for sanity and to preserve paradise.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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