Top Three Takeaways – March 10th, 2021

Top Three Takeaways – March 10th, 2021

  1. The cancel culture isn’t isolated to the US. I’m not sure that’s a good or a bad thing. But it is a thing. Now Piers Morgan has been cancelled in England. Ok, maybe he technically canceled himself but that was only after an official investigation into his commentary on Megan Markel was announced based on 41,000 complaints. His offense was not believing Megan Markel. Never mind that her own father said he doesn’t believe her. I guess he’d be cancelled too if it were possible. I have no idea if Harry and Megan were telling Oprah the truth but now, we’ve learned that assuming the actress is lying is grounds for cancelation in England. This of course came after Pepe Le Pew was cancelled stateside for allegedly raising generations of rapists and as Speedy Gonzalez is on the ropes as White woke anti-American types search for new things to be offended by. My question is two-fold. First, to these woke leftists. What aren’t you offended by? Maybe that’d be easier. My second is rhetorical. How miserable must these canel-culture people be? I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’t an actual threat to free speech in this country.
  2. Why do you think this is happening? That one’s not rhetorical. You do realize you voted for this, right? The moment Joe Biden, aka Bernie, from Weekend at Bernie’s, was elected President the woke left knew they had a puppet and they cancel things like the Muppets. That's because with Democrats in control of Congress and (the other) Bernie in the White House, censors in big tech, Hollywood and news media would be free from regulators who are supposed to protect pesky things like expression. Many of us said freedom was on the ballot last November. Do you get it now? Freedom has never been free and when you put people in charge who don’t believe in it, what do you think you’re going to get? You get what you vote for – so congratulations for cancelling Donald Trump’s Tweets along with any semblance of tolerance in our society. Here’s the irony of the “pro-choice” crowd once again being anything but – unless it means abortion. Speaking of Trump...He voted yesterday and so did...
  3. 18.9% & 12.5% of eligible voters in Palm Beach County and Broward. This after turnout averaged 77% in Florida in November. This illustrates the level of apathy within our communities. The average municipal election turnout has averaged 18% in South Florida over the past decade. How many people would show up to vote if they were paid thousands dollars to do it? Yet how many show up to vote for those who will tax them to the tune of thousands annually? But back to where we started for a moment. Know what’s ironic about the cancel culture in England mirroring the United States? They don’t have freedom of expression in England. And yet it’s our culture, which is founded on freedom of expression, exporting cancel culture to a society where free speech doesn’t exist and that we fought a revolution against to obtain it. Think about that one for a moment. Our society needs three things about now. The end of the education establishment as we’ve known it, it’s clearly failed our society. Some perspective about how fortunate we are to be Americans and that our culture was literally founded on the anthesis of the cancel-culture. More time with God and less time with Hollywood. Something tells me those three things would improve local election turnout as well.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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