Top Three Takeaways – April 16th, 2021 

Top Three Takeaways – April 16th, 2021 

  1. Florida is less safe because Joe Biden is President. That’d be true even if we were just talking about the border debacle. Unfortunately, we’re not. The Biden administration has chosen to release over 10,000 criminal illegal immigrants into Florida per year. Sound insane? I agree, but it’s all too real. That’s because the Biden administration's edict to no longer process ICE detainer requests, in conjunction with Florida law enforcement, is forcing all criminal illegal immigrants to be allowed back into society upon their release from prison. What could go wrong, right? Last year there were over 27 processed ICE detainers daily in Florida. Now all those criminals are simply reentering society. Thankfully Governor DeSantis is suing the Biden administration over this. Unfortunately, that does nothing in the meantime to stop the pouring of criminal illegal immigrants back into our communities due to the explicit orders of Joe Biden’s administration. It is unimaginable how anyone could be supportive of Joe Biden. Now your dishonest news media is naturally doing its part to attempt to keep this out of the news to keep as many people in the dark as possible. The omission of reporting on this issue is even more remarkable at the state and local level where the “journalists” who choose to omit coverage are literally putting themselves and their families at risk. I suppose politics is thinker than blood for your news media. 
  2. But wait there’s more. Where do you think the flood of illegal immigrants who’ve poured over the border are going to go? How many do you think will arrive here? Do you think the only criminals who’ve come across Biden’s open border are the two terrorists and one MS-13 member? Our safety is being compromised in multiple ways as a part of intentional policy by the President of the United States. These radical policies are a grand reminder of elections having consequences. At least we live in Florida where we have a governor who's willing to fight for the rule of law. Imagine being elsewhere. 
  3. Imagine if the FEA fought as hard for education as they do fighting the state. To start the school year the FEA sued time and again to attempt to prevent any classroom education options. We’d be in the same boat as California had they won. After an incredibility successful year of safety for classroom education, in which the positive COVID-19 rate has been higher for grade school children who are remote learning than those attending classroom education, they’re back for more. They’ve produced five ads with union dues paid for by its member teachers, which are ultimately paid for by your property taxes, attempting to tell you that bad people in Tallahassee are trying to take away their freedom. If it sounds absurd – that's because it is. What SB 1014 would do is stop the practice of unions being able to automatically deduct dues from teacher’s paychecks. That’s what “freedom” evidently means to them. I understand why they’re panicked, after all how many teachers would think twice about paying the union dues once they have the money they’ve already earned in hand? And when they’re not pretending that auto-deducted union dues from teacher’s checks equates to freedom, they’ve now decided to fight the states voluntary mask policy for the 2021-2022 school year. My favorite part of their current argument against voluntary masks for next school year is that they want to follow CDC policy – not the state of Florida’s. Except that the CDC can’t tell you what their policy will be in the fall. But once again they think you’re stupid – or at least count on you being ignorant. After all they are the “educators”. They know what they’ve done here.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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