Top Three Takeaways – August 13th, 2021

Photo: CBS 12

Top Three Takeaways – August 13th, 2021

  1. Pragmatism. The biggest issue in our society today is the near complete lack of it. Insert issue here and that thought probably applies. In today’s Q&A I drill down on this thought as a thoughtful listener questioned me on the overall effectiveness of masks. That issue, especially as it’s a dominating issue at the onset of our new school year, is the perfect illustration of the lack of pragmatism in our society today. And it’s penetrated every related aspect of the pandemic. As I depict in today’s Q&A, we have accredited studies showing some masks(N95), are effective at combating the spread of COVID-19 and others (single-layer cloth masks) that aren’t. But in our schools or our society where mask mandates apply, they’re all treated the same. That’s foolish. Just as we have three vaccines, with varying levels of efficacy that currently range from good (Moderna) to not good (J&J). But they’re all treated the same. That’s foolish. We have no clue as to the length of efficacy of any of them but those who were vaccinated in January are treated the same as those who were vaccinated today. That’s foolish. But back to the schools for moment. This is where the ultimate lack of pragmatism exists. There are 13 studies posted to the National Institutes of Health’s website pertaining to masks and education. Each one that studied the impact on learning showed there’s less of it with masks. Teachers are less effective at teaching and students are less effective at learning. That was true in kindergarten, and it was true in medical school. The reason we have teachers is to teach and the reason students attend class is to learn and what do we have school boards and superintendents bent on doing? Mandating devices that ensure less of it takes place. That’s not just foolish, it’s dereliction of duty and that’s because the...
  2. Inmates are running the asylum. No, literally that’s what’s happening in Afghanistan in real-time. As the Taliban has seized over half of the country in a matter of weeks after Biden’s bailing, the Taliban is releasing all of the imamates to overrun the asylums along with the rest of the country. That’s why the American embassy has now been evacuated and all Americans ordered to leave the country. I’m sure this story ends well. Bill Clinton ignored Al-Qaeda's terror attacks on US interests for eight years. How’d that work out? Barrack Obama called on the Muslim Brotherhood to rise up and they did in the form of ISIS. How’d that work out? Now Joe Biden’s letting Al-Qaeda's Taliban take over Afghanistan again. How do you think that’ll work out? But at least we are minding the store at our southern border...Oh, wait that’s never been worse. But hey, I’m sure this will all work out. And when it doesn’t, I’m sure they’ll try to find a way to blame DeSantis for this too. Just as the instantly incompetent Palm Beach County School Super Intendent Michael Burke is attempting to do. Meanwhile...
  3. I’ve told you so (since January). I mean that in the nicest way possible. Quoting myself from last Friday in my takeaways... Moderna is the best. And it’s proving to be not even that close. Pfizer’s vaccine has proven in its most recent study to retain 84% efficacy after six months against the original COVID-19 strain. That’s good. Moderna’s just released study, 93% efficacy after six months. That’s best. Then factor in the recent studies I shared with you on Wednesday, which show the mRNA vaccines are the ones most to be effective against the Delta variants. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are the two which fit that distinction. All of this is to say that just as was the case in January, when I said it then, it remains the case now. Moderna is the best. Pfizer’s a viable option. And it’s frankly absurd to opt for the Johnson and Johnson at this point based on the information available. Yesterday the Mayo Clinic completed a first-of-its kind peer reviewed study of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variants. The study said... Moderna’s 76% effective for prevention. Pfizer’s at 42%. Also, specific to us. Floridians fully vaccinated with Moderna’s shot faced a 60% lower risk of infection when compared to Pfizer recipients in the study. So, yeah, I’ve been telling you so but as always, it’s just because I want you to have the best information possible to make the most informed decision possible. 

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