Top Three Takeaways – September 2nd, 2021

Photo: AFP

Top Three Takeaways – September 2nd, 2021

  1. We disapprove. What’s more, is that we want him removed. I’m specifically speaking of President Biden. About a month ago, in discussing the quickly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, I pointed out that from our southern border to Afghanistan Joe Biden’s existence as President of the United States has made our country and the entire world less safe. Last week in addressing Biden’s disastrous withdrawal and in the wake of the terror attack I said this My expectations for the Biden Administration were low. He’s managed to be far worse than I’d envisioned. In his address yesterday he stated: We will hunt down everyone who perpetrated the attack. Fair enough. However, if he were to address everyone responsible for the attack, he’d start by resigning. As it turns out, my view is proving to be the majority view. Not only has Joe Biden’s approval rating declined to the level of Donald Trump’s on the same date in his presidency, most Americans believe he should be removed. In Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll, on the question of whether Joe Biden should resign amid our failures in Afghanistan and his broken promise to bring every American home - 52% of Americans said he should resign compared to only 39% who think he should stay. The way the question was worded wasn’t meant for manipulation as it asked: Should President Joe Biden resign because of the way the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was handled? For 52% of Americans to say yes to that question – with only 39% that are firm no’s speaks volumes. So does this. The follow up question. When asked if he should be impeached over Afghanistan the number jumps to 60%. A solid majority of Americans not only disapprove of Joe Biden, they feel he should be removed. And that’s because...
  2. There are two kinds of people in this world. My dad was full of simple wisdom when I was a kid and one of his earliest lessons for me has been on my mind. After learning a friend of mine had lied to me I asked him why he would do that? Rather than getting into details as to why he would have chosen to lie, he talked about there being two kinds of people in this world. The people who, when they tell you something, you can take it to the bank...and everyone else. He said there are far more of the latter than the former as well and to choose my friends wisely. That’s always stayed with me, however that’s the concept that’s fully on display now with President Biden. In July he said a Taliban takeover was absurd because the Afghan Army vastly out manned and outpowered them. He lectured Jon Decker for even asking the question. Last week, he doubled down on his dishonesty by saying that “there was no way of knowing”. Except that was a lie too as leaked intelligence reports – released when Biden made his originally false claims – was so damning of Biden’s decision making it prompted the New York Times story entitled: Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden’s Assurances. Also, in July he told George Stephanopoulos we’d get every American out. In his address Monday, he was touting the success of getting 90% of Americans out. Joe Biden is the kind of person who lies to, and leaves, Americans behind to be killed by terrorists. My dad’s saying about choosing friends wisely applies to presidents too. We didn’t choose wisely and now a solid majority of Americans want a new choice – and by the way Kamala’s not the ticket either. Only 38% of Americans thought she was capable of being president as well. What this does show though, is that most Americans do have their eyes open, and are aware that we’ve got the wrong kind of person in charge of this country. 
  3. It’s interesting, nobody’s ruled against anything we’ve done yet. The words of Governor DeSantis on Wednesday when asked about the school mask mandate case. He continued: Here we are, days later, we still don’t have it. I think part of the reason we don’t have it is it’s not an easy opinion to write from a legal perspective. I think it’s something that’s going to be very vulnerable to being overruled. This brings up another instructive point. There’s still no written ruling which means in real-time all school districts imposing mask mandates without parental optouts are technically still doing so unlawfully. And that’s independent of DeSantis’s confidence of winning on appeal – which as I recently covered, he has reason to. This got me to thinking... How long could Judge John Cooper sit on this case without rendering a decision? According to the Florida Supreme Court’s Trial Court Time Standards... 90 days from submission of the case to the judge for review. Could it be that Cooper is intentionally sitting on this case, stalling the written decision process because legally he can, and he perhaps agrees with DeSantis that his ruling will be overturned? By stalling, the status quo remains in place which is the still unlawful forced masking of all students without parental optouts. I don’t know that this is the case but consider... John Cooper scheduled the trial for three days. He played it out over five. He took over two hours to explain his oral, non-binding decision, but has thus far taken five days to not put that decision to paper. Interesting, is right Mr. Governor. And you’re correct, nobody’s ruled against anything yet. 

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