Q&A – Why Are Teenagers the Most Likely to Say They’re Gay? 

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Q&A – Why Are Teenagers the Most Likely to Say They’re Gay? 

Each day I feature a listener question sent by one of these methods.  

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Today’s Entry: On the issue of the number of youngsters identifying as LBGTQ, (did I get that right?) one might look to the increased amount of soybeans in our foods. Soybeans contain high levels of phytoestrogen, which some people blame for the lower rates of fertility and sperm counts among men, as opposed to 20 years ago. 

Bottom Line: Actually, no – you're an insensitive beast because the “g” is supposed to come before the “b” and you left off the additional letters that are added at about a clip of one new one per year – plus, the +. Sorry, I couldn’t resist addressing both your question and PC absurdity of it all. Anyway... Something we likely can almost all agree on... Given a choice between experiencing the pandemic and it having never happened – what would the answer obviously be? But there are instructive moments that have led to constructive movements coming out of it. Like for example better hygiene, or at least, I hope. But among the biggest in our society is the education so many parents have had about the state of public education. It’s not a coincidence that the pandemic brought out the greatest parental engagement in public education that we’ve seen in our lifetimes. It’s because of the move to remote learning that provided a real peak behind the curtain of what was and wasn’t happening in the classroom. Virtual or otherwise. But here’s the thing. As I’ve long warned about (regularly for two decades preceding the pandemic). We have problems in the classroom. It wasn’t just that the pandemic brought about all kinds of weird agendas like the teaching of the tenants of CRT and gender discovery. It had been happening in many schools for years. We just weren’t paying attention. It started in 1962 with the Supreme Court ruling written prayer in the classroom was unconstitutional. It was exacerbated exponentially with the incarnation of the US Department of Education which saw to it that God was removed from our schools altogether and a federal agenda led by teachers' unions was instituted.  

On March 14th, in that day’s Q&A addressing the debate I brought you this:  

Gallup has sampled regularly on this question over the past decade. Ten years ago, 3.5% of all adults sampled by Gallup identified as being homosexual. That already was a figure close to double the number of adults who’d engaged in homosexual behavior. That said, it's only risen significantly every year since. Gallup’s not yet sampled for 2022 – but in last year’s survey, a record 7.1% of adults said they were LGBT. 

And this...  

A study by the UCLA School of Law found the following...  

  • 8% of the US population is between the ages of 13-17  
  • 10% of the self-identified transgender population is between the ages of 13-17  
  • Adolescents are the most likely of any age group to identify as homosexual & transgender  

Did something specific change within the human genome starting at around 2005 or is this dramatic increase in homosexual/transgender identity – even over those aged 18-22, a product of something else? . 

Ok, so here’s the deal. Why? What the heck? What's been happening over the past decade that’s accounting for a doubling of the population identifying as homosexual with teenagers being the most likely to do so and at a rate that’s triple that of the adult population. Is it in the water? Or is it soy and the aforementioned phytoestrogen? Well, we are eating more soybeans. So, is the soy making people gay? This isn’t a new thought. It’s been theorized and studied for decades – in fact one ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect banned the consumption of them awhile back. But the thing is - it's been disproved. And my math backs it up as well. Adjusted for population growth US consumption is up 25% of the past decade. So yeah, that doesn’t exactly explain how we’ve doubled the gay population or tripled it with teens. So, what’s really happening here? 

Five states have mandated LGBT education in schools over the past decade. California, Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey and Oregon. Elsewhere school boards have advanced it in local school districts. And yes, it’s widely supported by teachers’ unions. This is the most likely explanation for what’s been happening. It’s not hard to theorize that some adolescents still trying to figure things out presented with this material might become experimental. Regardless, it’s likely what’s been happening both culturally and specifically inside the classroom, which most certainly accounts for why current teenagers are the most likely to say they’re gay – followed by young adults. And what Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Legislation provides is the information for you to know what’s happening in the classroom with the teaching of all related material.  

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