Inflating Turkeys, Political Ones & Florida to Be Thankful For

Inflating Turkeys, Political Ones & Florida to Be Thankful For – Top 3 Takeaways – November 18th, 2022 

  1. The biggest turkey of all. For some today’s a getaway day as many look to get started on a weeklong Thanksgiving celebration with their families. For everyone it’s time to pay for what’s going on the table regardless of when the family get together begins. You’ve likely already come across the stories of how much more it’ll cost to put a traditional Thanksgiving meal on the table this year. It’s staggering even if you just take it at face value. The average pile of potatoes and stack of turkey will run you 21% more than a year ago. And that’s a staggering amount of additional money to have to shell out, no doubt, as Thanksgiving inflation has reached record levels. That’s especially true when you compare it to income growth, totaling just 4.7% year over year for the average family. A rate of growth which continues to rapidly decline at a rate faster than inflation falling. So, the net rate of inflation for Thanksgiving for the average family this year is 16.3%. But this is really only half of the story. You may recall this time a year ago we had similar stories of turkey inflation and were in the midst of everyone from President Biden to the Federal Reserve Chairman still attempting to tell us the inflation turkeys were only “transitory”, which is of course elitist language for temporary. Yes, a year ago we were still getting a heavy dose of transitory inflation talk as the wennies that had already brought us 40-year high inflation back then, refused to acknowledge reality or even speak in the language the rest of us peasant folk use. And that’s the most instructive point here. It’s not just that turkey time costs 21% more this year. It’s that the turkeys in Washington had already heavily inflated the turkeys on our plates by historical levels by this time last year.  
  2. What we’ve been experiencing is the boiling frog effect when it comes to inflation. It’s slowly killing us financially, a death by a thousand cuts as we’re now in our second consecutive year of 40-year high inflation. All of the inflation numbers you continue to hear are in comparison to last year’s already 40-year high inflation levels. Last Thanksgiving the cost to heap some dressing and gravy on the bird was 14% more expensive than the prior year. This year’s 21% increase is on top of last year’s “transitory” 14% increase, when wage growth was only 4.9%. I guess in a manner of speaking the Washington leftist elitists were right about last year’s inflation being transitory. It’s much worse this year. The net-net of it is that Thanksgiving is set to cost you about 40% more than two years ago when we didn’t have any inflation and still over 30% more when adjusted for income growth. But hey, still no Trump tweets. Yeah, Thanksgiving and everyday life may have been affordable. Yes, inflation was the furthest thing from our minds, but we still had those Trump tweets. This really is so much better, isn’t it? To that end...about the saying... Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. The biggest fools of all, or shall we call them turkeys, aren’t the Washington liberal elites who did this to us. It’s the voters in blue states across the country who just voted for more of it. And on that note, it’s a reminder that we can feel especially thankful we live in... 
  3. The Free State of Florida. Where we not only voted wisely, but we also sent a message for history books within our state. We have our problems, none the least of which is the property insurance crisis which better get fixed to the extent that the legislature can control it this time, but we’re so much better off than most. More Americans would prefer to live where we do than anywhere else in the country, and for five straight years more Americans have relocated here than anywhere else. It’s something that’s easy to forget in the day-to-day, but it’s something worth appreciating when you look across the country for sure. We’re truly blessed. Speaking of which... I’d like to say thank you to you. I’ll be here on Monday with my Thanksgiving tradition of sharing my isms, or 8 Keys to Success, or whatever you’d like to call them. But as my final Top Three Takeaways prior to Thanksgiving, I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank you. It’s always been my goal to reach as many people as possible with my message. You’ve given me the opportunity to pursue my dreams while living where I love to live. There’s not a day that goes by that I take it for granted. I talk into a microphone and without you listening and patronizing sponsors none of this happens. Over the years you’ve provided me with the opportunity to host a daily show on WJNO and WIOD. An opportunity to become a guest host for Mark Levin and Sean Hannity along with a myriad of other opportunities and once in a lifetime experiences. Thank you – it's why I’ll never stop giving you everything I've got every time I crack a mic. happy Thanksgiving and truly, thank you & may God bless you, your family and the Free State of Florida. 

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