China & The Government Coverup of COVID-19 Origins – Top 3 Takeaways

China & The Government Coverup of COVID-19 Origins – Top 3 Takeaways – March 9th, 2023 

  1. 15% Favorable. No, that’s not Joe Biden’s current approval rating. Somewhat alarmingly 39% of people still look at our president and think. Yeah – that’s my guy. But hey, that’s at least progress over two and a half years ago. Anyway, that especially low favorability rating is a different but similarly encouraging number of our fellow citizens. It’s the percentage of Americans who view China favorably – which is the lowest on record according to Gallup which has sampled on the question since the 70’s. Notably, as recently as 2018, 53% of Americans still approved of the largest communist bloc in the world, which at that point was well established as being our biggest adversary. A number which was up 7% from prior to when Donald Trump was president and was the highest since 1989. Yes, it appears some Americans started to approve of China as they were battling President Trump’s policy. Another classic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome being a thing. As an aside this also helps explain some things about how the 2018 midterms went outside of Florida. But anyway, that was then, and this is now. What’s encouraging about 85% of Americans not holding a favorable opinion of China now, is that it shows most people, even the low information types, are reachable with truth. It also provides a greater opportunity for the truth to be heard and considered as Congress has commenced its hearings on COVID origins and as the Director of National Intelligence has now warned of “complex” and “critical” threats posed by China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. This makes sense given that China is Russia, is North Korea, is Iran, is Cuba, is Venezuela is Nicaragua, as I’ve long said. So yeah, just in general, it’s good for most Americans to be wary of a country which would... wipe away our freedom today given the opportunity to do so. But the biggest threat China poses today isn’t from the outside, but... 
  2. Those who’re aligned on the inside. And this is one of the most important aspects of the COVID origins investigation. Citing Senator Rand Paul who has taken the lead on the investigations in the Senate, there was an “elaborate cover-up" of the origins of COVID-19 by Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health. Paul cited recovered emails between the NIH’s Fauci and Collins in January of 2020 saying that if the truth were known: This wouldn't be good for China, this wouldn't be good for science. So, it’s the opinion of the top medical authorities in this country that what’s not good for China isn’t good for science. That should send off at least a few dozen alarm bells. Yes, the Fauch is gone, but how many are still ensconced in top government agencies that ascribe to the same view? How many are actively working with China against the interests of the United States (in the name of science of course)? And that’s setting aside the fact that the current President of the United States’ son was paid $5 million by the Chinese Communist government with 10% earmarked for “the big guy”. Among new details which have emerged from Congressional findings... The NIH gave money to American universities who then gave the money to Chinese military researchers. This washes entirely with the December 2019 arrests of the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, along with two Chinese Nationals, over $15 million in grants from the NIH having been handed over to China in three separate incidents as part of a grand conspiracy successfully tried and prosecuted by the Department of Justice. The difference with the new information is that a) most people have never heard about Harvard’s role as a conspirator with the Chinese Communist Government, though I did report on it multiple times, originally and eventually in making a connection to COVID origins including in a March 13th, 2020 Q&A Could COVID-19 be a Chinese conspiracy? The few who did hear about it were left to think it was isolated to the Harvard Bio Chem Department. No one suspected at the time that...  
  3. The NIH was specifically directing the scheme, as its becoming clearer. Here is my closing statement from that March 2020 story – from prior to the lockdowns having taken place in the US - Not lost on me is the timeline. It certainty is coincidental that we’re talking about December arrests of Chinese Nationals in conjunction with a Harvard biologist with vials of some unknown substances working on behalf of the Chinese government. That’s all I can offer for now. There are two sides to stories and one side to facts. Those are the facts as we know them. This is but one example and one layer of the onion. And this is where it’s about so much more than just holding the Fauch accountable. The NIH, Harvard example I just shared was a conspiracy which began in 2011 and wasn’t discovered until late in 2019. What else is out there? Who else is involved? Are we still funding gain-of-function research which could create yet another and perhaps deadlier pandemic? These are all among the reasons why it’s important only 15% hold a favorable view of China. Ironically a percentage which is lower than the percent of users of TikTok illustrating the sheer extent of the ignorance in this country. We have enemies within our own government. Many of which were appointed by people we elected to it. Most people at least have their eyes partially open to the realities we face and could be helpful the next time they wander into a voting booth having just TikTok’d about going to a voting booth.  

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