What Devin Archer Really Exposed & The Florida Millennial Baby Boom?

What Devin Archer Really Exposed & The Florida Millennial Baby Boom? – Top 3 Takeaways – August 3rd, 2023 

  1. Are there any honest Democrats left? I’m not a fan of a two-tiered system of justice any more than I am of DOJ efforts to wag the dog. It’s time today, as Trump is booked once again, which will dominate the news, to pay attention to the current threat to the United States of America... Which isn’t anything or anyone that’s ever resided at Mar-a-Lago. It pertains to the crimes committed, testified too, but to date ignored by the Biden Justice Department pertaining to the current President of the United States. The most concerning aspect of what we’ve learned from 3 art dealer whistleblowers, 2 IRS whistleblowers, 1 FBI whistleblower and 1 best friend/business associate whistleblower isn’t that there’s now voluminous evidence of Hunter Biden using his dad while Vice President of the United States, and more recently with the art deals as President of the United States, to influence peddle and for quid pro quos... While it’s sad to say, how many people who have their eyes and ears open are really surprised? It’s just that now as we learn new information it fills in the blanks. For example, how many people really thought that magically in 2021, just as his dad became president, Hunter Biden’s art was suddenly worth millions? We all knew that there was a rat. It was just that we didn’t know until about a week ago when the art whistleblowers came public that the biggest buyer magically became a presidential appointment. There’s nothing quite like a classic presidential quid pro quo is there? Just as it was always known that Hunter Biden didn’t suddenly go from being a crackhead with crack whores to a crackhead with crack whores who was also a Ukrainian and Chinese energy expert worthy of being paid millions for his brilliance. The whistleblowers simply helped fill in the gaps of how much money was being received for dirty deeds carried out by dear ‘ole dad, like getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired, and how many shell companies there were to cover the tracks that it was funneled into. No, as troubling as it is to know that a former Vice President of the United States, and the current President of the United States, has been involved in the literal selling out of his country...the most alarming aspect of this to me is what led to my top takeaway today. Where are the honest Democrats? Where is even one elected Democrat who’s expressed concern over any of this? What does it say about the integrity, the patriotism and even basic decency of every elected Democrat that most say nothing about this, and that the few who do will only spin to try to suggest that everything that’s happened, didn’t really happen. That everything that’s been spoken to and commonly testified to involving both Hunter and Joe Biden by now seven whistleblowers from four different angles isn’t really what it sounds like. Though notice not even one of the spin artists has ever addressed Joe Biden bragging publicly before the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018 about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired... But that all of this has happened and yet there’s not a single solitary Democrat – not even a Joe Manchin (which tells you all you really need to know about who he really is) - calling any of this out and demanding answers from the Department of Justice is what’s most disturbing to me of all. It’s party and personal power over the country and above our interests all the way. And that takes me to the second most concerning aspect of what’s happened here.  
  2. Devin Archer also exposed the “Justice Department”. Now ordinarily having a corrupted Justice Department would be the primary concern with political party considerations second. However, we’ve known since the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and conspiracy was exposed on the back of Hillary Clinton’s free pass, that the Department of Justice and its many agencies operate with two tiers of justice and are politically corrupted themselves. This was only further emphasized with the J6 Trump charges and indictment. What Devin Archer’s testimony on Monday did was help to further expose just what a bad joke the DOJ has become. The House Oversight Committee now conducts better investigations than the DOJ. What does that tell you? Of course, that’s the case because as the IRS whistleblowers testified to witnessing in their investigation – the DOJ has been far more interested in obstructing justice for those honestly investigating the Bidens, than they have been in bringing actual justice. But think for a minute of what four years of DOJ investigations into the Bidens brought us. Hunter Biden’s watered-down charges and sweetheart plea deal with a free pass for his dad. Think about what just six months of the House Oversight Committee has brought us. Confirmation that the FBI conspired to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story as opposed to investigating and prosecuting the crimes. An FBI document tying Joe and Hunter Biden directly to quid pro quo actions on behalf of Burisma and sworn testimony of four whistleblowers ripping the lid off of the Biden Crime Family’s activities. The Justice Department has been exposed and the top investigative body in the world is currently a House committee. What does that say about the importance of next year’s presidential election cycle? Switching gears... 
  3. Is Florida’s new baby boom driving our housing boom? Lots of reasons have been provided for Florida’s multi-year housing boom, which according to this month’s FAU housing study has now led the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach metro to become 39% overvalued according to their analysis, an analysis by the way, that I generally disagree with...as I mentioned in related story last month... Unlike the housing crisis of two decades ago which was built on speculation, debt and liar loans which were made illegal way back then, the current runup in prices is a pure product of supply and demand. That’s evidenced through foreclosure rates. At the peak of the housing crisis the local foreclosure rate was 1 in 32 homes. The current rate is 1 in 2,470 homes. Florida has led the country in net relocations for over five consecutive years and until and unless that changes, we’ll continue to have a state and local real estate market which reflects it with above trend prices for real estate. But what I did find especially interesting in this month’s report from FAU was this... We have a huge demand coming from an influx of population into Florida, as well as more new households being formed in the state,” said Eli Beracha, Ph.D., of FIU’s Hollo School of Real Estate. “Millennials are forming households at a nearly unprecedented rate creating significant demand for housing.” The great Florida migration story is one we’re all familiar with and news that it’s continuing is anything but new. But “a nearly unprecedented” rate of household formations being driven by Millennials in Florida is a new wrinkle and a compelling storyline. The youngest Millennial is now 25 years old. The oldest is, believe it or not, now over 40. So, it makes sense that right now would be perhaps the biggest window of traditional family formation for Millennials. It’s interesting that the phenomenon appears to be playing out in a disproportionate way in Florida and is continuing to drive our housing market higher as a result.  

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