Bombshell – The Joe Biden Smoking Gun Revealed & A Great Debate?

Bombshell – The Joe Biden Smoking Gun Revealed & A Great Debate? – Top 3 Takeaways – August 4th, 2023 

  1. The transcript dropped. The time for the spin came to an end yesterday as Devin Archer’s testimony to the House Oversight Committee on Monday dropped in the form of 141 pages which was nearly completely unredacted (oddly the redactions were almost entirely the names of the Democrat staffers and counsel members in attendance). So, was it as New York Democrat Dan Goldman said? Did Joe Biden only really “talk about the weather” when placed on the phone or in person with Hunter Biden’s Chinese and Ukrainian business associates? Let’s go to the transcript, shall we? The first interesting nugget appears on page 10 when the attorney for Archer said this at the onset of the questioning: I received over the weekend correspondence from Mr. Biden's lawyer raising the possibility of Mazars-type issues in the questioning today. So, get this. Not only did the US Department of Justice send a letter to Devin Archer last weekend in advance of his testimony, pertaining to a date for him to report to prison in his fraud conviction, but Hunter Biden’s attorney personally reached out to Archer’s attorney also seeking to intimidate him from testifying. The full court press to keep Archer’s mouth shut was clearly on. But what exactly would Hunter be so worried about if all Joe ever talked about was the weather? Hmm. Next up is a Q&A on page 25 that goes like this: Question (in reading an email from Hunter Biden): The announcement of my guy's upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking... “Do you recall Hunter Biden referring to his dad as “my guy”? To which Archer answered yes. A couple of pages later there is this: Question: Did he talk about how bringing his dad either to Ukraine or using his dad as Vice President would add value in the eyes of Burisma officials? Answer: Yes... given the brand, I think he would look to...get the leverage from it. Question: The value add that Hunter Biden brings to Burisma is Vice President Biden? Answer: Yes. The value that Hunter Biden brought to it was having -- you know, there was -- the theoretical was corporate governance, but obviously, given the brand, that was a large part of the value. He would go on to say that the brand was... 
  2. Joe Biden. This is where we first catch Dan Goldman’s public commentary following this thing in a lie. Devin Archer flat out testified to “my guy” and “the brand” being Joe Biden, which was sold to foreign interests through, as Oversight Committee Chair James Comer had said many times, an influence peddling scheme. Archer directly testified to that. Ok, but what about Joe? Maybe he didn’t know he was being peddled and didn’t play a role? This has been another common Democrat argument. Next, I’ll walk you to page 35 where, when answering a request by Burisma officials to Hunter Biden to make a call to D.C. seeking assistance on issues Ukrainian prosecutor Vicktor Shokin was investigating Archer answered... The request -- you know, basically the request is like, can D.C. help? But there were not -- it wasn't like -- there weren't specific, you know, can the big guy help? Now, the most interesting part of this to me isn’t that Archer witnessed Burisma executives asking Hunter for help from “D.C.”. It’s that without having ever been asked if Joe Biden wasn’t only “my guy” but also “the big guy”, he offered that up all on his own. And why does that matter? Because as we know Tony Bobulinski also previously identified Joe Biden as being referred to as “the big guy” by Hunter. And that in a May 13th, 2017, email with Hunter Biden there were payment details for a Communist Chinese controlled energy company to pay 10% “to the big guy”. Without any prompting Devin Archer corroborated the story of another former Hunter associate Tony Bobulinski. Yes, Archer goes on to account numerous times Hunter had his dad on speaker phone around Chinese, French and Ukranian business associates. Yes, up to 20 times that he can personally account for. All of it is in there. But there it is on page 35. An honest unprompted moment where Devin Archer said exactly what Tony Bobulinski said about the language which was used to describe Joe Biden. And there it a verified email...that Joe Biden was directly on the take from a Chinese Communist controlled entity that his son was in business with. So now the question is what happens? If no one really is above the law President Joe Biden should be charged with numerous counts pertaining to how he abused the power of the Office of the Vice Presidency – including personally profiting from the Communist Chinese. I’ll not hold my breath. This smoking gun transcript dropping on the same day as another DOJ-led Trump arraignment is apropos for the Biden Department of Justice. Why would Joe Biden’s DOJ be any less corrupt than he provably is?  
  3. When and where. Wednesday night, when with Sean Hannity, our governor, and Republican Presidential, candidate Ron DeSantis agreed to accept the invitation from California Governor Gavin Newsom to debate. A debate which would be moderated by Sean Hannity by the way. His comment just tell me when and where. And based on how the coverage of this has been handled, the word is it will happen on November 8th or 10th. I wonder if Gavin will be a presidential candidate by then? But here’s the thing. This isn’t the first time. Last September Gavin Newsom first proposed a debate with DeSantis even saying: “I’ll bring my hair gel”. DeSantis rejected it at the time suggesting Gavin was obsessed with Florida and that he didn’t have time for nonsense. Apparently, with where he’s currently polling, that’s changed. Will it be weird? Yep. Will it be entertaining? Maybe. Could it be fascinating? Absolutely – if Gavin decides to run for president by then. In that case get your popcorn ready. 

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