Q&A of the Day – Is the UN Funding Illegal Immigration Into the US?

Q&A of the Day – Is the UN Funding Illegal Immigration Into the US? 

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Today’s Entry: Submitted via talkback pertaining to a report that the United Nations has a plan to fund illegal migrants into the United States. 

Bottom Line: You are correct that the United Nations has a plan in place to effectively fund illegal immigration in the United States this year. Preeminent border expert, and investigative reporter, Todd Bensman and his team at the Center for Immigration Studies, recently released a detailed analysis of a UN program that’s designed to directly help fund illegal migration into the United States. But while there’s a new plan in place for the UN to funnel U.S. taxpayer money into a program that essentially facilitates illegal immigration into the United States...it’s far from the first time the UN has used your money to assist the illegal migration effort.  

In 2021, as President Biden took office, the United Nations instituted a program to provide debit cards to migrant families in Mexico which were in route to our southern border. In November of 2021, in Reynoso, Mexico, Bensman documented this taking place. Migrant families received cards of up to $800 for a family of four. Having now been engaged with that program during the first three years of the Biden administration, there’s a more aggressive program that’s been put in place for 2024.  

The United Nations created what they called the 2024 Regional Refugee And Migrant Response Plan. The plan has allocated $1.6 billion of taxpayer funds for the purpose of providing “refugee/migrant” aid throughout 17 Latin American countries. Now given that migration is happening out of these countries, not into them (at least permanently – some foreign nationals from other continents land in these countries for the purpose of joining a caravan in route to our southern border), one can infer what the intended purpose of this program is meant to be. But there’s one aspect of the program that doesn’t leave anything regarding the UN’s intent in doubt. 

There is a specific section within the UN’s 2024 migrant plan which calls for using $372 million in “Cash and Voucher Assistance” which is to specifically be used for an estimated 624,000 migrants bound for the United States. The plan calls for those funds to be issued in pre-paid rechargeable debit cards and cash in envelopes. Yes, you’ve heard this correctly, the United Nations is literally taking your tax dollars, putting it in envelopes and is handing it out to illegal immigrants entering the United States. But that’s not all. The United Nations plan is also providing what they call “humanitarian transportation” to our southern border as well. They cite this as being necessary due to threats posed by the cartels. But that’s not where the story ends. 

The UN migrant plan is a comprehensive plan. Asylum seeking migrants (approximately 97% of which are determined through the US legal system to be illegitimate – thus illegal immigrants attempting to scam the asylum process) are provided for assistance to help settle. The debit cards, as mentioned, are rechargeable. The $800 for a family of four isn’t necessarily a one-month thing. It’s a monthly stipend. The cards are being automatically credited by the UN with your money monthly. Additionally, they also are offering “rent support” for an estimated 473,000 illegal immigrants inside the US. 

Over the prior year (2022-2023) the top source of funding to the U.N. was the United States, which accounted for greater than a third of all funding to the U.N. The Biden Administration, with Democrats in control of congress the first two years of his presidency, increased UN funding by 55% over Trump Administration levels. What’s evident here is that the United Nations has a clear open borders agenda and the significant increases in US funding in recent years have allowed the United Nations to first establish and then greatly expand an open border agenda facilitating a steady flow of illegal migrants into the United States. It’s an agenda that then provides for the illegal migrants to effectively settle once here. There’s a clear political agenda within the United Nations, the very entity which was just recently found to have had “aid” workers which were in league with Hamas terrorists. The United Nations is an organization which intentionally, or unintentionally, if we’re to believe it was an accident that they hired staff that was in league with Hamas, is engaged in highly political agendas that directly intercede with political agendas and outcomes around the world. The fact of the matter is that the United Nations is actively engaged in funding illegal immigration into the United States and that they’re using your money to do it. 

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