Laken Riley’s Blood on Biden’s Hands & Nikki’s Not Done - Top 3 Takeaways

Laken Riley’s Blood on Biden’s Hands & Nikki’s Not Done - Top 3 Takeaways – February 26th, 2024 

  1. Say her name. No, Laken Riley wasn’t Black. No, she wasn’t a victim of law enforcement – in fact they acted remarkably fast in apprehension of her apparent murderer. Yes, however, she was the ultimate victim of a corrupt public official and a broken system. That corrupt public official is Joe Biden. And that broken system is his lawless open border policy. If there’s anything constructive that can come out of a horrific and needless murder of a 22-year-old nursing student, it would be public outrage against Biden’s border policies that would be sufficient that he’d have no choice to reinstate the Trump border policies he stuck down on his first day in office. The suspect arrested in Laken Riley’s death, Venezuelan Jose Antonio Ibarra, illegally came across the southern border in El Paso, Texas, along with his brother, during the summer of 2022. They were processed by Border Patrol and released into the interior, under the Biden Administration's direction, in September of that year. Laken Riley’s family, as federal taxpayers, were forced by the President of the United States to finance the illegal entry of the perpetrator of their daughter’s murder. But it’s far from being just her and this is why if there’s any credibility to the “say her name” movement –  
  2. Laken’s name should be shouted throughout the streets approaching 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Sadly and ironically my top takeaway on February 1st was this summation of the impact of the Biden border crisis. Raped, pillaged and abused. Some people literally and all of us financially as a result of Biden’s border crisis. This week, as some in local media were somewhat hilariously attempting to claim that President Biden’s fundraising visit to Jupiter would boost tourism...because you know, President Biden – aka the Lady Di of this time - is just so popular that where he goes throngs of his adoring fans go. But anyway, as some were busy covering that angle of President Biden’s impact on us, I’ve been busy studying the impact of his administration's border policy on us. As illustrated, almost all asylum seekers coming across the southern border are determined to be nothing more than illegal immigrants scamming the current asylum system. They’re nine times more likely to commit a federal crime, which isn’t the least bit surprising given that their first act in this country was to enter it illegally – even if the Biden administration has encouraged it. They’re more than twice as likely to end up on welfare programs. Illegal immigrants now account for a quarter of all property crimes, trafficking arrests and over a quarter of all fraud. And bonus, due to the Biden administration's lawlessness in allowing for all of this – we're now also paying $1,156 per taxpayer, per year to facilitate all of it. The reality is that every taxpayer is a victim of illegal immigrants everyday but far more nefariously, there are hundreds of victims of illegal immigrants due to Biden’s lawless open border policies every day. How many more innocent victims do there have to be across the country before the madness stops? Joe Biden personally ordered the murder of Laken Riley the day he signed the executive orders mandating that illegal immigrants like the Ibarra’s be allowed in and relocated to a neighborhood near Riley. Laken Riley’s blood is on Joe Biden’s hands. It’s a demonstrable fact that she would be alive today if Joe Biden weren’t President of the United States. Say her name and may it be the beginning of the end of his evil border policy and the evil Biden/Harris presidency.  
  3. Nikki’s not done. Yes, any realistic chance Nikki Haley had at becoming the Republican nominee for President is effectively done following the highly predictable blowout to the former and perhaps future President of the United States in her home state. But Nikki’s not done. She’s still running for president...but the best question might be in what party? Following a series of open-ended interviews last week and an even more open-ended speech delivered Saturday night following her loss in which she spoke equally about the national disapproval for Joe Biden and Donald Trump she sounded more like a candidate running against both of them, as opposed to a long-shot candidate challenging one of them in a primary she’s already been badly beaten in. Ever since Joe Manchin ruled himself out for the potential No Label’s presidential bid – momentum behind Nikki’s potential bid has gained momentum. She’s doing nothing but fueling speculation of it. Nikki has recently said she hasn’t spoken to the No Labels coalition which is working on gaining ballot access for a potential presidential bid this year. But No Labels has spoken about Nikki. On January 18th, No Labels co-chair Joe Lieberman said this when asked about Nikki: If Gov. Haley does not succeed in obtaining the Republican nomination for president and she declares any interest in being part of our bipartisan unity ticket, I’m sure the people at No Labels would give that the most serious consideration. And while only Nikki and perhaps a few close confidants really know, it sounds as though she might currently be giving the idea “the most serious consideration”. If there was a cycle for a serious third-party challenge in contemporary politics, this would be the cycle. I for one am not the type to get worked up into believing that candidates that don’t have a realistic path to the presidency must drop out. It’s a free country. If Nikki wants to run and if there are a minority of Republican primary voters (along with some independents and even Democrats in states where primaries are open) that want to vote for her – that's the prerogative of all of them. Ted Cruz went head-to-head in a heated way until May in 2016. John Kasich never dropped out. It didn’t matter. But what would matter in this race is if Nikki isn’t really running as a Republican anymore. We shall see what will be. 

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