Joe Biden Is a Scam Artist – Part 2: The Border & Illegal Immigration

Joe Biden Is a Scam Artist – Part 2: The Border & Illegal Immigration 

President Biden Is a Scam Artist. In yesterday’s expose I brought you the story of President Biden’s Russian-Ukranian scam. If you missed it, it’s not to be missed. Take the time to read the story or listen to the podcast of it (or both) and share with others. Now, it’s time to talk about the border. Much like Joe’s Biden’s Russian policy, his border policy is likewise a scam.  

Friday, on the heels of nursing student Laken Riley’s murder on the University of Georgia campus, at the hands of an illegal immigrant who was caught and released into the interior at the direct order of Biden, mass “migrant” relocations from San Diego to destinations across the country – like to your neighborhood – were taking place. These were relocations of illegal immigrants from dozens of countries, as per usual, at taxpayer expense. Recently, as the illegal immigrant crisis has become an unavoidable reality for millions daily, we’ve heard murmurs of President Biden doing what he already said he couldn’t do – use executive orders to stem the border crisis he created. He’s scheduled a visit to Brownsville, Texas on Thursday which seems to be the time and occasion that he’ll announce whatever it is he intends to do through executive action. Of course, because Joe Biden is a scam artist, he’s been lying to you.  

It’s not complicated. The scam started on January 20th, 2021 – the first day Joe Biden was president. That day he signed an executive order to end the construction of the southern border wall. On January 20th, 2021 – the first day Joe Biden was president, he signed an executive order to end President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy. On February 2nd, 2021- just twelve days into his presidency, Joe Biden signed the executive order mandating border patrol shift priorities from border security to processing and relocating asylum seekers into the interior. The current border crisis was literally ordered by President Biden starting within the first few hours he was on the job. All he’s ever had to do to stop the crisis is to reinstate the orders he struck down. While it remains to be seen what Biden will decide to do to backtrack on his devastating border policies, if anything – he has a bunch of pressure to maintain the status quo on the left...there remains the other issue that’s also not complicated. What should be done with those that are already here.  

Last week Sinclair Media polled the most straight forward question I’ve ever seen on the topic of deportation and the answer was as clear as it is obvious. Their question: Should people who cross the US border illegally be deported? The answer with over 17,000 respondents sampled – 97% said yes. Yet with millions of illegal immigrants entering annually under Biden’s open border, how many are being deported? Only 142,500 over the past year. We have significantly more illegal border crossers in a month than total deportations in a year. And no, asylum seekers aren’t here legitimately. As I’ve previously evidenced, over 97% of asylum seekers are found to be nothing more than illegal immigrants scamming the system. They’re federal criminals that most commonly steal resources from taxpayers via the cost of processing and relocating them (to a location near you). They’re federal criminals that then steal additional resources from you as most end up immediately on government assistance programs. They’re federal criminals that then commit additional crimes as over a quarter of all federal crimes are now committed by illegal immigrants, a la Laken Riley’s murder. And that’s all independent of the steady contingent of Chinese, Yemenis and related military aged people Biden’s letting in and whatever their intentions are (and isn’t nice to think that we’ll be paying for them to carry out whatever it is that they’ve been sent here to do?). So, about that.  

Remember hearing that President Biden’s campaign recently started using TikTok – despite a ban on TikTok by the federal government (in addition to a ban by most state governments across the country including Florida’s). Guess who else is? Quoting a new report: Ten times more Chinese nationals are crossing the border than last year...with help from social media to show them the way. Yes, TikTok is being used as a platform for Chinese nationals to effectively enter Central America and to navigate their way to the southern border where they are “caught and released” into the interior. Now, remember how the report indicated Chinese nationals were entering at ten times the previous rate most recently? Over 37,000 Chinese nationals, most single and of military age, entered the United States this way last year. That’s an increase of 5,370% attempted entries since the Trump administration. And unlike the Trump administration they’re being brought in with TikTok’s help and relocated across the country at your expense due to President Biden’s policies.  

According to a recent Al Jazeera report, there’s a steady flow of Chinese nationals into Colombia for the purpose of organizing and making their way to the US Southern border. Whole resorts have been set up in Colombia which cater to the incoming Chinese – including Mandarin as the language used and Chinese payment systems used as on the payment systems at the resorts. Via the report: Chinese migrants – unlike many of the other most common nationalities in the Darien, such as Venezuelans and Haitians – often take special “VIP” routes across the jungle that are led by guides working for the Gulf Clan, Colombia’s largest drug cartel, and are quicker and less strenuous for higher prices than the most basic routes. This is a new element that was not there in previous years,” said Giuseppe Loprete, head of mission in Panama for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), a UN body that provides information for migrants crossing the Darien. It’s a lot of people, and it’s a long way to come. Note, how Al Jazzera cited the UN’s involvement in assisting these Chinese nationals. It was just on February 9th, I brought you the story: Is the UN Funding Illegal Immigration Into the US? In it I highlighted this: The United Nations created what they called the 2024 Regional Refugee And Migrant Response Plan. The plan has allocated $1.6 billion of taxpayer funds for the purpose of providing “refugee/migrant” aid throughout 17 Latin American countries. Now given that migration is happening out of these countries, not into them (at least permanently – some foreign nationals from other continents land in these countries for the purpose of joining a caravan in route to our southern border), one can infer what the intended purpose of this program is meant to be. But there’s one aspect of the program that doesn’t leave anything regarding the UN’s intent in doubt.  

There is a specific section within the UN’s 2024 migrant plan which calls for using $372 million in “Cash and Voucher Assistance” which is to specifically be used for an estimated 624,000 migrants bound for the United States. The plan calls for those funds to be issued in pre-paid rechargeable debit cards and cash in envelopes. Yes, you’ve heard this correctly, the United Nations is literally taking your tax dollars, putting it in envelopes and is handing it out to illegal immigrants entering the United States. But that’s not all. The United Nations plan is also providing what they call “humanitarian transportation” to our southern border as well. They cite this as being necessary due to threats posed by the cartels. But that’s not where the story ends.  

The UN migrant plan is a comprehensive plan. Asylum seeking migrants (approximately 97% of which are determined through the US legal system to be illegitimate – thus illegal immigrants attempting to scam the asylum process) are provided assistance to help settle. The debit cards are rechargeable. $800 for a family of four isn’t necessarily a one-month thing. It’s a monthly stipend. The cards are being automatically credited by the UN with your money monthly. Additionally, they also are offering “rent support” for an estimated 473,000 illegal immigrants inside the US.  

Over the prior year (2022-2023) the top source of funding to the U.N. was the United States, which accounted for greater than a third of all funding. The Biden Administration, with Democrats in control of congress the first two years of his presidency, increased UN funding by 55% over Trump Administration levels. The fact of the matter is that the United Nations is actively engaged in funding illegal immigration into the United States and that they’re using your money to do it.  

President Biden’s policies have us funding the entire illegal immigration process. This happens through the mandated open border with taxpayer funded processing and relocations (in addition to government assistance programs once relocated) and through the administration's funding increase for the United Nations to carry out the front-end arrangements to get to our border and then ongoing support to settle once here. As taxpayers we’re fully funding the illegal immigration process start to finish – including with the relocation of tens of thousands of military-aged Chinese nationals. And to reiterate what happens once they’re here... 

They’re more than twice as likely to end up on welfare programs. Illegal immigrants are over nine times more likely to commit a federal crime than a legal citizen. They now account for a quarter of all property crimes, over a quarter of all trafficking arrests and over a quarter of all fraud. Due to the Biden administration's lawlessness in allowing for all of this – we're now also paying $1,156 per taxpayer, per year to facilitate all of it. President Biden has a sworn oath to protect you and the interests of this country. Instead, he uses your money both using the Department of Homeland Security and through the United Nations to facilitate pervasive criminal behavior by most, and now whatever may be with Chinese nationals pouring across our border. Joe Biden is a scam artist. His interests aren’t aligned with yours. 

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