More to Cohen’s Lies, No Trump Verdict This Week & Condolences?

More to Cohen’s Lies, No Trump Verdict This Week & Condolences? Top 3 Takeaways – May 21st, 2024    

  1. But wait...there’s more. On the one hand Michael Cohen testifying that he stole money from The Trump Organization is about the least surprising thing ever. On the other hand, Michael Cohen, the prosecution’s star witness in the effort to convict Donald Trump, effectively testifying that Donald Trump and his company was a victim of his theft is poetic justice. Early in Monday’s testimony it was determined by the prosecution and admitted by Michael Cohen on the stand that he had stolen $30,000 from the Trump Organization. Trump attorney Todd Blanche, who already had his way with Cohen on Thursday, asked this question after Cohen admitted the theft and that he had even admitted it to New York prosecutors numerous times previously due to his legal problems that led to his criminal convictions. The question... You did steal from the Trump Organization based upon the expected reimbursement from RedFinch (an online political firm and client of the Trump Organization). Cohen’s answer: Yes, sir. Blanche asked... Did you ever have to plead guilty to larceny? To which Cohen said: No, sir. Right, because the Manhattan DA’s office evidently wasn’t concerned in obtaining justice if Donald Trump and the Trump Organization were victims of a crime. Which, much like Michael Cohen’s willingness to steal from the from the Trump Organization, is likewise about the least surprising thing ever. It’s hard to imagine Cohen’s testimony on Monday going worse than what happened with his tall tales falling apart on the stand on Thursday but arguably it did. How bad for Cohen and potentially for the prosecution was it? Quoting CNN’s legal analyst Elie Honig the revelation about Cohen’s theft from The Trump Organization was a bomb dropped right in the middle of the prosecution's case. Todd Blanche got Cohen to admit that he told journalists, and recorded conversations on the record, in which he stated Donald Trump didn’t know about the NDA payment to Stormy Daniels which is the crux of this case. He also testified that upon being raided by the FBI that he told them President Trump knew nothing about the Stormy Daniels payment. What’s more is that it was also determined that once Michael Cohen became Trump’s personal attorney, as Trump became president, that he used the association to land six clients that paid him $4 million in 2017 behind Trump’s back. But that wasn’t all. Since 2020 when Cohen was released from prison, he’s made $4.4 million in his regular bashing of Trump through podcasts, social media and book deals. Busting on Trump has been a great business model for him. To that end Trump attorney Todd Blanche also asked this: Do you have a financial interest in the outcome of this case? The answer in return was Yes sir...which may be the most truthful thing he’s testified to in this case. As for what would be the most profitable for him, an a acquittal or a conviction, he said... It’s better if he’s not (convicted), for me, because it gives me more to talk about in the future. Though Blanche followed that up with confirmation that it’s Cohen’s desire to “get revenge” against Trump. He’d previously testified that he wanted to see Trump convicted in this case. And the final question of the cross examination was this: It's true that you will lie out of loyalty, correct? Cohen’s answer. Yes sir. What a mess that man and thus the prosecution’s case is. The prosecution opted for a very quick redirect of Michael Cohen to wrap up festivities for the day. During the redirect the prosecution got Cohen to re-testify to Trump being aware of the Stormy Daniels payment. To Trump approving what he had put together for the payment. To stating that the $420,000 paid to him by The Trump Organization in 2017 wasn’t for “legal services” (which is key to the prosecution’s case). Was he rehabilitated by the end of it? Only if you’re the kind of person who knows when Michael Cohen is lying and when he isn’t. And that includes knowing when he was lying on the stand and when he wasn’t – since the prosecution caught Cohen in multiple lies under cross examination. Late in the day Trump’s defense team quickly called two witnesses after the prosecution rested its case following the redirect of Cohen. Chief among them – former Manhattan prosecutor Bob Costello who testified on the stand to what he testified to last week before Congress...that when Costello tried to get Cohen to turn on Trump in exchange for immunity in his own legal issues in 2018 he said: I swear to God, Bob, I don’t have anything on Donald Trump. Michael Cohen said numerous times that President Trump knew nothing about those payments. That he did this on his own. He repeated that numerous times. As I mentioned on Friday when I suggested that the defense should call Costello to the stand in this case: On the one hand we have an under-oath testimony before Congress by a former Manhattan prosecutor providing very specific details as to his line of questioning to Cohen, after Cohen was in legal jeopardy and also while the Manhattan Office was investigating then-President Donald Trump for alleged criminal activity that is crystal clear. A deal repeatedly offered to Cohen for dirt on Trump. On the other hand, you have Michael Cohen testifying that “I do not recall” that having taken place? Liar, liar pants on fire. That answer to that question squarely places Cohen, who still never testified to a crime that Trump ever committed, in the not even believable as a person on this planet bucket. And that’s effectively all you or anyone else needs to know about this case. Yes, there was additional drama including Costello having had an apparent showdown with Merchan on the stand that cleared the courtroom, but as always there are two sides to stories and one side to facts they're becoming increasingly clear in this case. Also on Monday were learned that there apparently won’t be... 
  2. A verdict this week. Last week it was reported that closing arguments could start on Tuesday. As Judge Merchan laid out yesterday that appears as though it will be the case today (provided that the defense doesn’t call any additional witnesses) but rather than turning the case over the jury immediately following closing arguments, he indicated that he’ll wait to do it next Tuesday. The question now is the timeline for closing arguments and Merchan’s instructions for the jury. Also, there’s a defense motion for Judge Merchan to dismiss the case on the grounds that the prosecution didn’t prove its case. Merchan, to no one’s surprise, seemed skeptical but said he’d rule later. We'll see what happens this morning. Meanwhile... Speaking of legal cases... 
  3. Outrageous. That was the word used by President Biden in response to the news that the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants against three leaders of Hamas and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant. In a brief statement from the president after the announcement by the ICC, the president said: The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous. And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security. At times the president’s message on his support for Israel has been unclear and his administration's response to the Israel-Hamas war has been uneven. In this instance his statement is spot on. Thankfully the United States doesn’t participate with the International Criminal Court, meaning that US taxpayers aren’t providing funding for it. But for those in freedom loving countries around the world...they should be asking for refunds today. It’s outrageous for a prosecutor to put Israel’s leadership in the same category as Hamas’. What this move shows is how pervasive threats are around the world for Jewish people and for the state of Israel. It also shows how critical it is for the United States to stand unwavering behind them. But speaking of outrageous so was this...The State Department’s official response to the death of the evil Iranian president. The statement reads: The United States expresses its official condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran. As Iran selects a new president, we reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Where. To. Begin. The only good terrorist is dead terrorist. Condolences?! The President and top minister of the world’s top sponsor of terrorism are dead, and Joe Biden’s State Department is offering condolences? The President of the country who leads chants of Death to America, Death to Israel in cabinet meetings is dead and the United States offers “official condolences”. The world is a better place because there are two fewer evil terrorists alive today. My only regret is that the rest of the evil Iranian government isn’t dead along with them...if that were the case the world would be a much better place. And this much is clear. If the Biden Administration's official response is to offer sympathy to our biggest enemies who’ve sponsored the murdering of innocent Americans around the world...they don’t speak for me. It’s outrageous that they speak for this country. January 20th can’t get here fast enough. Evidently terrorist sympathizers are running the State Department which explains an awful lot about the administration's foreign policy failures. The world will once again be a better place once the Biden Administration is no longer in place.   

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