Q&A of the Day – How Many Crimes Are Committed By Illegal Immigrants?

Q&A of the Day – How Many Crimes Are Committed By Illegal Immigrants?  

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Today’s Entry: @brianmuddradio Thanks for saying it like it is. How many crimes have been committed by illegal immigrants? 

Bottom Line: Today’s question is in response to my Top 3 Takeaways yesterday in which I stated: If you support Joe Biden, YOU are supporting the raping and murdering of women and children across the country and in our communities. Of course that wasn’t something I flippantly offered up. It was effectively paraphrasing the Maryland sheriff discussing the weekend arrest of an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who said that “Americans aren’t safe” due to open border polices in place. As I’ve often stated when discussing the illegal immigration crisis, the rate of crime committed by illegal immigrants is staggering. Most recently we’ve seen... 

Non-citizens commit crimes at a rate that’s 914% higher than citizens and they’re responsible for...  

  • 24% of all drug trafficking  
  • 25% of all property crimes  
  • 28% of all fraud 

So, in addressing today’s question how many crimes are being committed by illegal immigrants? Customs and Border Patrol keeps records of what they call “Criminal Noncitizen Statistics”. As explained by CBP: The term “criminal noncitizens” refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol; it does not include convictions for conduct that is not deemed criminal by the United States. Records checks of available law enforcement databases following the apprehension of an individual may reveal a history of criminal conviction(s). That conviction information is recorded in a U.S. Customs and Border Protection database, from which the data is derived. So, about that data. Here are the number of criminal convictions of “noncitizens” by year starting with the Trump administration.  

  • 2017: 8,531 
  • 2018: 6,698 
  • 2019: 4,269 
  • 2020: 2,438 

Notice the trend? There’s a steep decrease in criminal convictions of noncitizens in each of the four Trump years as President Trump prioritized securing the southern border and the deportation of illegal immigrants within the country. Criminal convictions of noncitizens declined by 71% during the Trump administration. Here are the first 3+ years under the Biden administration: 

  • 2021: 10,763 
  • 2022: 12,028 
  • 2023: 15,267 
  • 2024 YTD: 10,337 

Unsurprisingly what we’ve seen under the Biden administration is record criminal activity taking place alongside the record numbers of illegal immigrants being allowed into the country by the administration with a significant annual increase in the number of criminal convictions. And it’s important to note that these are only the crimes that resulted in convictions. For example, in sanctuary jurisdictions like New York City, many noncitizen crimes are committed without prosecutors pursuing cases against those lacking legal status. Still, what we’ve seen is that criminal convictions of noncitizens are 626% higher since Joe Biden became President of the United States (based on 2023’s reporting), a number that’s still rising in the current year. Every category of crime is also at record levels.  

Increase in crime by noncitizens under Biden administration:  

  • Assault, Battery, Domestic Violence: 602% 
  • Burglary, Robbery, Larceny, Theft, Fraud: 604% 
  • DUI: 685% 
  • Homicide, Manslaughter: 967% 
  • Illegal Drug Possession, Trafficking: 532% 
  • Illegal Entry, Reentry: 697% 
  • Illegal Weapons Possession, Transport, Trafficking: 627% 
  • Sexual Offenses: 182% 
  • All Other Offenses: 567% 

It’s crystal clear that the Biden administration's open border policies have dramatically increased all types of crime in society. There’s also no indication of any progress being made in reversing the enormous increases in criminal activity by noncitizens once in the United States. As always there are two sides to stories and one side to facts. It’s a fact that President Biden’s policies have made this country considerably less safe. 

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