Independence Day is 123 Days Away & Will Joe Go Now? Top 3 Takeaways

Independence Day is 123 Days Away & Should Joe Stay or Will George Make Him Go Now? - Top 3 Takeaways – July 5th, 2024     

  1. Independence Day is 123 days away. Yes, most of the country is effectively taking an extended Independence Day holiday. And no, with only 24% of people feeling as though the country is heading in the right direction (and seriously who are those people?) most Americans aren’t exactly feeling like celebrating. Or perhaps better stated...most Americans can’t even afford to celebrate. You must be making 21% more money today to simply afford the same stuff you bought four years ago today. And here’s a hint that you already knew...we’re not. The average person is making 18% more today than four years ago...So yeah – the odds are you are worse off than you were four years ago today. I’ve always said that you can lie to people about what policy will do - and those who’re inclined to believe you will – but you can’t lie to people about what is or isn’t in their wallet, because they know. And that’s just the first of a myriad of examples of what we’re unhappy about. We don’t approve of pretty much anything this president chooses to do. Biden’s approval rating on the economy 40%, foreign policy 34%, the Israel-Hamas war specifically 31%, inflation 35%, crime 38%, immigration 32%. In other words, pretty much everything Dementia Joe chooses to do results in him stepping in poo. Which takes me back to this year’s Independence Day happening in 123 days...Election Day. It’s the day we declare our independence from endless wars, open borders and empty wallets. Yes, America’s Declaration of Independence is worth celebrating but every bit as important is protecting it. And 199 days from today is the day that sanity (literally and figuratively) is restored in the United States – Inauguration Day. That is, provided each of us does everything we can do to vote early and to help turn out the vote. It’s all hands on deck for each and every one of the next 123 days – take nothing for granted regardless of who’s running for president... Speaking of which... 
  2. What will George do? You know things aren’t going well at the top when you’re asked about whether your boss has dementia. For example... I’ll go ahead and guess that you’ve never been at work and have been asked the question...hey...your boss over there. Does he have dementia? However, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre has. Specifically, the question on Tuesday to KJP by a White House correspondent was this: Does President Biden, at 81 years old, have Alzheimer's, any form of dementia or degenerative illness that causes these sorts of lapses? And it's a yes or no question." Her answer was this... Are you ready for it? It's a no. And I hope you're asking the other guy the same exact question. Which btw, I hope happens because there’s entertainment to be had by a reporter walking up to Trump and saying...ah...hey Mr. President. Karine Jean Pierre says Joe Biden doesn’t have dementia but that I should ask you if you do. The possibilities regarding his response are as endless as they’d likely be entertaining. What isn’t so entertaining is what a laughing stock this country currently is. What isn’t so funny is that Xi Jing Ping, Vladimir Putin, the Mullahs in Iran and Little Rocket Man are all watching Joe and calculating next moves based on his incompetence. What isn’t funny is that if Dementia Joe can no longer go what’s behind door #2 isn’t any better...and...she cackles (and make no mistake if Joe’s a no go all roads to the Democrat nomination go through James Clyburn and Kamala Harris. Those who think that she could simply be slipped aside for the Gretch who stole Christmas by locking down Michigan during the pandemic and then fleeing to Florida haven’t been paying enough attention). Has there ever been a greater indication that we need to Make America Great Again – than this? What does it say about the leader of the semi-free world that people are waiting with bated breath to see Democrat hack operative George Stephanopoulos play the role of Caesar? 
  3. Should Joe go or should he stay now? So, about this. You know you’re a weak president when your fate is effectively in the hands of George Stephanopoulos. People want to know if Joe will drop out. There are two people you should ask. The first is “Dr.” Jill Biden – she clearly enjoys being President of the United States. The second is George Stephanopoulos today. Will Biden get the thumbs up, meaning that Stephanopoulos is prepared to help carry Biden across the November 5th finish line, or will it be a thumbs down meaning that George asks real questions, demands real answers and doesn’t edit Joe’s blank stares, coughs and mumbles out of the interview? Here’s one thing you can count on from President Biden’s interview with Stephanopoulos today. You’ll have the answer to that question today. Originally ABC News said they were going to air the first snippet of today’s interview at 6:30 on World News Tonight with David Muir with the full interview to air Sunday morning on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Wednesday night ABC announced that plans had changed and that the interview would air in its entirety tonight as a primetime special at 8. On the one hand who would ever want to spend a Friday night on a holiday weekend watching Joe Biden. On the other hand, what is it you could possibility do tonight that could be more potentially entertaining? Should Joe stay or should he go now? The Clash - sang the song. Stephanopoulos holds the script. Get your popcorn ready.


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