Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for December 26th:

Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for December 26th:   

Bottom Line: These are your daily doses of nonsense from the (GSS) media and my hot takes...    

Excerpt: It was a hopeful sign to see business leaders join a sold-out crowd of government, academic and community leaders at last week’s 9th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Summit. It was hopeful because the challenge of climate change — no, let’s not call it that. Let’s call it sea level rise. Oh, wait, we can’t call it that, either? Flooding? Can we agree we’re seeing floods like never before? — is so political. And generally speaking, the business community skews right. And Republican leaders are loathe to talk about climate, er, flooding, because the next question is, what are we going to do about it?  

Hot Take: Climate change is alive and well. It always has been. This planet has provably experienced three mass extinction events - all predating man-made factors btw, else we wouldn't be here right? But somewhere along the way after decades of false claims about the end of the world due to man-made global warming the message was generally abandoned by all but the most radical factions in lieu of climate change which is real. Man, or no man. First, I'll address the factually and intellectually inept statement "can we agree we're seeing floods like never before". Factually 2017 doesn't even rank in the top 100 years of flooding that science has proven. In fact, there's not even a year in the 2000's in the top 30 (2013 checked in at #31). Btw, 1931 is the worst recorded year for flooding. So, there's no basis in fact for that claim, let alone religious considerations. I seem to recall something about a flood and ark. But then again, I wouldn't expect a bunch of people who make stuff up as they go to notice.  

Excerpt: Goodbye 2017. And good riddance. What a dumpster fire of a year, especially for those who reside and operate in the world of politics and policy. Who will mourn the passing of 2017? 

Hot Take: Yeah, I mean the best economic growth in 12 years. The lowest unemployment rate in 17 years. The best wage growth in ten years. Record high stock prices and retirement account values. The third best year for investment returns since 1900. Who wants that right? This is what happens when you have people in the media who sit in ivory towers and put their political party above all else.  

Hot Take: Here's the irony of CNN, which dedicated the year to trying to impeach the President, publishing this message. Three former employees of CNN are no longer around for falsifying news to attempt to takeout the President. How'd that work out for you this year CNN? Btw, I've got a sneaking suspicion that Donald Trump will still be President next Monday.  

Until tomorrow... 

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