Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for February 7th

Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for February 7th      

Bottom Line: These are the daily doses of nonsense in the media and my hot takes on them...  

 Hot Take: Is this really a loss? Just asking?  

Excerpt: Twenty-five years ago President Bill Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act, which included a provision giving eligible workers 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a new child. Emphasis on "unpaid." 

The United States remains the only country in the developed world that does not mandate employers offer paid leave for new mothers, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Hot Take: And this is what you get when you have people who've never run a business and don't have a grasp of economics at the business level writing stories. Take this: The United States remains the only country in the developed world that does not mandate employers offer paid leave for new mothers 

First, it's worth pointing out that the reason why the United States became and still is the world's top economy is because we don't do what socialized Europe does by using a heavy-handed government to mandate that companies pay people for a year to not work. Most importantly let's discuss how this actually negatively impacts women in the workplace. What? How? That policy is supposed to help women in the workplace right? Now put yourself in the shoes of a business owner. What happens when you have an employee who can't work but you have to pay them? The company becomes less profitable correct? What happens when a company becomes less profitable?  

Are they: 

A. More likely to hire and grow 

B. Less likely to hire and grow 

Understanding that under European style socialist policies mandating that your business pay a woman to have a child... Next up you have a man and a woman of child bearing years who're both capable of performing the jobs you're hiring for.  

Are you:  

A. More likely to hire the man 

B. More likely to hire the woman 

And what do you think will happen to the upward mobility of women in the workplace additionally? For people who lack economic understanding but want to force Socialism on businesses - you're welcome to leave. There are no shortage of socialist countries as your story points out go have fun. There's only one country as great as the United States of America. There are many of us that want women to prosper and want the country to remain great.  

  • American guns are killing our neighbors in Canada and Mexico - Sun Sentinel 

Hot Take: Damn American guns. There they go again. You know just the other day my Rugger hopped out of its case and acting erratically, thankfully my sophisticated Sig Sauer was there to reign it in. Don't know what might have happened otherwise...It might have smuggled itself across the border and indiscriminately started to fire itself or something!  

I wonder at what point one is so blinded by misguided ignorance and fear due to their ignorance that they can construct a headline like that and feel that it's sensible?  

Until tomorrow...      

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