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Top Three Takeaways – September 10th, 2021
- This is not about freedom or personal choice. Wow. That’s literally what this country was founded on. Let’s leave aside for a moment the fact that Joe Biden is attempting to act as a dictator to mandate all unvaccinated people working for companies with 100 or more employees get vaccinated in order to retain employment. Are those not the most anti-American words you’ve ever heard from an American President? It’s not about freedom, it’s not about choice? You’re now not allowed to have a say about what’s injected into your body? Holy crap. It’s appropriate to begin to freak out about what we’re up against for another three years and four months. Especially since he said he’s going to have a more detailed plan next month. Look, lawsuits are going to be flying and much of what he spewed yesterday won’t likely legally stand. But holy crap. I mean holy crap. What’s the difference between a dictator and what Joe Biden’s attempting to be? And remember when he said he’d be a uniter? Heck, it was just in July that Jen Psaki, of the Jen Psaki drinking game and the mouthpiece of the anti-American wannabe dictator said that vaccine mandates aren’t the role of the federal government. She was right. Incidentally, last December Biden himself said he wouldn’t do this. I want to be clear. This is not ok. This isn’t left-right politics as he’s pitting Americans against Americans.
- We’re losing patience. While we wait to see what the actual language is in his EO to see if he’s leaving room for those with medical and religious exemptions, he’s not rhetorically. Joe Biden expressed lost patience and stated that people like my mother are part of the problem who’ve cost all of us. My mother who has a rare blood disease and an allergy to agents used in vaccines and has been told by her doctor that obtaining any of the COVID-19 vaccines would be more dangerous for her than even the virus if she were to contract it. In Joe Biden’s America she’s part of the problem. And you need to be protected from people like her. He also believes those whose faith doesn’t allow for vaccinations are a problem. He has no patience with those of faith.
- Joe Biden’s policies are anti-American. That’s true when he leaves Americans trapped with terrorists in Afghanistan. That’s true when he attempts to eliminate personal freedom and choice. Greater still is the irony that Biden announced the end of personal choice on the very day his administration sued Texas over its new heartbeat abortion law in the name of “choice”. As is usual on the left, the my body, my choice crowd really only means choice when it applies the elimination of a baby. That’s Joe Biden’s America but it’s not the one any of us were born or immigrated into.