First the Rainbow Was Hijacked by a Political Movement – Then June

First the Rainbow Was Hijacked by a Political Movement – Then June – Top 3 Takeaways – June 5th, 2023 

  1. First the rainbow was hijacked, now it's June. It was a rainy weekend throughout the Palm Beaches. But as the saying goes, “no rain, no rainbow”. But here’s the thing, can you even look at a rainbow without thinking about sexuality any longer? It’s about as funny as it is sad. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a hundred times. The lowest form of the human condition is defining yourself by your sexuality. That is, I suppose, unless it’s what you do for a living a la a Dirk Diggler, as a heterosexual example or a RuPaul, as a homosexual example. Many of us are defined by what we do and if sexuality is what you do for a living, well then it stands to reason. I have perspective on this that few would assume I have, having literally danced in a drag show with one of our country’s most famous drag queens, The Lady Chablis, who as a friend during my time in Savannah at the peak of the 90’s Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil craze, attempted unsuccessfully to convert me. There was also my first mentor in radio who took me on as an intern and was as great of a friend as a radio talent during my earliest days in radio. Ditto my second mentor as well. While the drag show performance was part of a radio promotion, not my idea of a good time on a Saturday night, the fact of the matter is I’ve always had nearly as many homosexual friends as heterosexual ones. Maybe it’s a byproduct of what I’ve done for a living, first in acting, then in radio. Maybe it’s been coincidence. Regardless, it’s been. And that’s because we’ve largely shared the same interests and values. Faithful, mostly conservative values. And what it’s never been about is sexuality. And that’s because aside from Chablis, what these friends have never defined themselves by is their sexuality. And what many don’t know is that many people, who happen to be homosexual, are not at all onboard with a) being “proud” of their sexuality and b) The “proud” flaunting of sexuality. Eleven years ago, Lady Gaga sang Born this Way, which simply suggested homosexuals weren’t choosing to be gay but that they were born that way. Now the LGBTQIA’*+ movement demands dudes with junk be treated as women or you’re a bigot.  
  2. What happened to being “born this way”? Does anyone within the woke world of homosexual peddling realize the irony in play here. A dude with junk was born that way – it is not biologically possible for him to be female. There are two biological sexes and they’re determined prior to birth. This is a scientific fact, it isn’t open to interpretation and adding letters to the homosexual alphabet won’t change that. And that’s the bigger point here. All this ever was, was a political movement. At the point where same sex marriage became a thing, the question for the movement became what’s next? Well, this is what it’s become. And the truth is there are many homosexuals who’re upset with the agenda, the sexuality flaunting, the faked victimhood mentality and that certainly don’t identify with the agenda of the LGBTQIA’* folks. They just don’t commonly have a voice. That’s because if you think coming out against the absurdities represented by these woke social justice warriors and corporate hacks who perpetuate the agenda in our society is politically incorrect these days... Imagine being gay and doing it. The lowest form of the human condition is defining oneself by sexuality, as opposed to, in the words of MLK Jr., content of character. First the rainbow was hijacked and then the entire month of June because of woke corporate sellouts, a Godless, soulless and slanderous news media which plays into it, and politicians interested in leveraging the opportunity of creating a “bloc” of voters willing to define themselves by sexuality.  
  3. It’s all identity politics after all. Including with the efforts to confuse and sexualize our children. Those are future voters after all. And that’s why I’m not playing the game at all anymore. I don’t drink beer, so the Bud Light thing isn’t a thing in my house. We occasionally shopped at Target and that’s not happening anymore. But the other decision we made this weekend was to send a message to local businesses as well. This weekend a local restaurant we’ve regularly patronized for years decided to play the homosexual alphabet game. We decided to eat elsewhere and will continue to do so. And if you think our society, our children, have become oversexualized and you’re fed up with June having been hijacked too. I’d encourage you to do the same. Vote with your wallet. It’s working. The sales and shares of Anheuser-Busch, Target and Kohls are continuing to get crushed. The stand many of us have taken is working. It will work within our own communities with local businesses too. In life there should be balance. Within the homosexual community it was achieved about the time Lady Gaga first sang about it. Once upon a time it was a choice to go to a drag show, same as it was a strip club. Now the movement tries to bring drag shows and the related sexuality to you and your kids. Imagine if the same was done with strippers? And why isn’t that the case? Because that would be wrong. Being gay doesn’t change the calculous. We’re all God’s children, but June’s been taken over by a political movement which attempts to sexualize children and that pushes a narrative that He makes mistakes. God doesn’t make mistakes. People with misplaced priorities and a lack of morality do. This isn’t complicated. The way to restore balance and to end the hijacking of rainbows and the month of June is with your wallet - everywhere you shop.  

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