Trump’s In It Until the End – Moms for Liberty & The SPLC – Top 3 Takeaways

Trump’s In It Until the End – Moms for Liberty & The SPLC – Top 3 Takeaways – June 12th, 2023 

  1. In it until the end. Love him or hate him one thing all Americans can surely agree on is that Donald J. Trump is a fighter. This is precisely the reason South Florida Congressman Brian Mast told me last week that he stands by his endorsement of him. For this reason, it comes as no surprise that following the 37-count indictment against Trump brought about by President Biden’s Justice Department, Trump had three words to say on the question about the potential impact of a federal trial with the potential to put him away for the rest of his life... all while running for president: I’ll never leave. I fully believe that he means those words entirely. Do you have any doubt about them? Now, first things first as our former and perhaps future president, stands to be arraigned in Miami tomorrow. The fact that this case will be tried before a jury in South Florida as opposed to Washington D.C. will give whatever his legal team will look like (after having dropped two attorneys following the indictment last week – which a source told me was more a firing of Trump than a desired exit by the two), at least a fighting chance to win. But should they not, it’s truly possible, given the expressed desire by the feds for a speedy trial, that we could be voting for a candidate for president who is behind bars. But you don’t come to me just for obvious information. I really want you to think about the implications of those three words: I’ll never leave. In my mind that’s highly instructive for reasons I cited over a year ago, within the context of a Republican primary. The implications behind those words I believe are entirely instructive. Not just in the context of staying in the GOP primary race. More about that nugget and train of thought tomorrow...   
  2. If Moms for Liberty is a “hate organization”...does that mean the Southern Poverty Law Center is a domestic terrorist organization? I don’t know the Southern Poverty Law Center to be a terrorist organization, there’s no evidence of the Southern Poverty Law Center engaging in terrorist activities, in fact I’ve never know the Southern Poverty Law Center to be anything other than a left-wing activist organization masquerading as objective arbiters of society who thrive on the ignorance and/or willingness of news organizations to help cover them in an effort to advance their agenda. So perhaps you’ve heard – lord knows local news outlets thought it was important to cover - the Southern Poverty Law Center has now labeled Moms for Liberty as an “extremist” organization featured in their “Hate & Extremism” report. But here’s the thing... I do know this, having known, covered and worked with Moms for Liberty on school board races – the only hate and extremism that exists with the presence of that organization is that which is directed at them. Hate and extremism that originates from the teacher’s unions which resent Moms for Liberty’s success in supporting school board candidates who support parental rights in education as opposed to union/government control over our children and their education. So anyway, the SPLC took a break last week from their top two “LGBTQ Rights” initiatives – which they outline as being combating Conversion Therapy and the need to advance LGBTQ Youth Rights (they proudly tout a story of how they helped assist a senior named Britney wear a tuxedo to a senior prom) to slander Florida-based Moms for Liberty. Now slander is a legal term and the SPLC is a law center after all so... 
  3. My choice of terminology is extremely intentional. The lead line on their website in describing Moms for Liberty is this: Moms for Liberty is an antigovernment organization founded in 2021 by former Florida school board members. Without getting into the weeds regarding the other absurdities outlined by SPLC... Riddle me this one SPLC. How exactly is an organization of mothers endorsing school board candidates anti-government? School boards are quite literally government entities. And as for the actual mission statement of Moms for Liberty... Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Let’s see, defending parental rights at all levels of government. Deviates just a bit say from abolishing the government, doesn’t it? So, here’s the thing, call me old fashioned, after all, like biology, I know there are only two sexes and thus only two genders and even a God that doesn’t make mistakes. But I don’t take kindly to an out-of-state group of punks attempting to bully and intimidate a bunch of moms who care about their kids. So, here’s my message to the SPLC. I don’t think you’re a bunch of domestic terrorists, but then again, I don’t know that you aren’t. But I do know there’s a crystal-clear case of slander that could be made should Moms for Liberty choose to pursue. But you are right about one thing. Moms for Liberty is a threat. They’re a threat to your political agenda. Moms for Liberty has been successful in flipping 74% of the school board races they’ve taken on since being established in 2021. Isn’t that what this is really about? Since the incarnation of the Department of Education in 1980, and the federalization of education that followed, classrooms have been the biggest political battleground of them all. For decades most parents just weren’t paying attention. Now that Moms for Liberty and related parents have begun to threaten the status quo control of the classrooms – this is what we can expect. But just like Trump, I have no doubt that Moms for Liberty and concerned parents everywhere will “never leave” this critical fight for the minds of our children. It’s far too important which is why the establishment, and its allies feel so threatened by a bunch of concerned moms. We’re winning, they’re projecting.  

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