Military Appreciation Month continues on Saturday with Armed Forces Day, which is a day to honor members of the military for working to keep us free.
Army Veteran Kenita Gordon says there are many ways that Floridians can pay tribute.
"A lot of people they throw different celebrations like parties and cook-outs just to show their appreciation for the military and what the military has done and will continue to do in the future for this country."
Gordon continues to serve, as an employee of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in West Palm Beach.
She shares information on an event for female veterans on Armed Forces Day.
"We're having an Open House for women who have served in the military. Come in and see our women's clinic. See what we have to offer them. A lot of women don't consider themselves veterans, but if you served in the military you are a veteran and you deserve to find out what benefits are available to you."
The event runs from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in West Palm Beach.
Click Here for more details on women's health services at the VA.
The final day to honor military members during the month of May is Memorial Day, coming May 27th this year.
That's the day we honor those who died while serving their country.