Migrants Are not the Victims & The Real Illegal Immigration Story

Migrants Are not the Victims & The Real Illegal Immigration Story – Top 3 Takeaways – June 8th, 2023 

  1. The undocumented migrants are not the victims. They’re the perpetrators. Earlier this week I once again illustrated why and how almost all “undocumented migrants” are in fact illegal immigrants. In case you missed it, I’ll forgive you this time but please don’t let it happen again, here’s the summation of what’s real with “migrants”. In recent years only 1.5% of those who cross our southern border are found through the legal asylum process to be here lawfully. In other words, 98.5% of all “migrants” are illegal immigrants - aka criminals. The reason I’m highlighting this inconvenient truth today is due to the proliferation of both politicking in favor of these types of criminals and the common characterizations used in reporting on these types of criminals by local, state and national news media. Last week it was the “Latino Protests”, where people literally shut businesses down and took to the streets to protest Florida’s E-Verify law. The law which simply states that action will be taken against businesses with 25 or more employees who choose to employ said federal criminals. In what universe should it be acceptable for federal criminals to live free and to work free without any accountability or recourse for their crimes? In what universe should it be acceptable for businesses which knowingly employ federal criminals to be free to do so without accountability or recourse for their crimes? People like to make the immigration issue complicated. It isn’t.  
  2. There’s a right way and a wrong way to immigrate here. Those who do it the wrong way aren’t really “undocumented migrants”. 98.5% of them, at least these days, are criminals. And yet what does the coverage continue to be? Predictably sympathetic. To the criminals. That was true with last week’s federal criminal advocacy protests. That continues to be true with coverage of Florida’s Martha’s Migrants Sequel. This year it’s the California Dreamers. Story after story about plight of the 36 asylum seekers shipped to Catholic Charities has come out. Some like the new CEO-less CNN say there were “deceived”, others like California’s governor and greatest consumer of hair products, Gavin Newsom – says the real criminals aren’t the illegal immigrants flown to Sacramento but rather Florida’s governor and state officials who were responsible for sending them there. How many times have you heard the Hair’s tweet about Ron DeSantis – as reporters breathlessly repeat his insults? How many times have you heard anyone report that statistically every one of the 36 migrants is likely to be here illegally and thus a federal criminal? And as news outlets are also quick to point out that Florida’s taxpayers financed the flights of the California Dreamers, which is true as the state legislature authorized $12 million for relocations in May, what’s never reported is what the cost of illegal immigration really is to us. In my September 19th analysis last year, I determined that the hard cost of illegal immigration to Floridians was $468. And that was prior to the record waves of illegal immigrants allowed across Biden’s open border which are sure to drive the cost sill higher. How many Floridians would rather retain at least $468 annually to use for their families as opposed to someone else’s who's come here illegally? Again, the “undocumented migrants” are not the victims. It’s the rest of us who have been forced to subsidize their unlawful presence who are. And what isn’t at all being discussed is the... 
  3. Bombshell border news. I’m sure someone other than me reported on Florida’s bombshell border news which was released by the governor’s office Tuesday night...but I’ve yet to find them. In fairness some were busy with their stories about how the joke that is the Southern Poverty Law Center has added Florida’s Moms for Liberty organization in their ‘hate and extremism’ report. Or how the Human Rights Campaign has declared a “state of emergency” for the LGBTQ+ community. Plus, it’s altogether possible that Gannett exercised good judgement by changing out the locks at the Palm Beach Post while their employees were striking. That might also explain why at 1 pm yesterday their lead story was “Hot summer restaurant deals: From popular fried chicken to Pig Pickin’ BBQ. Anyway, clearly those stories were far, far more important to cover than say... Florida’s Operation Lone Star, which is the state’s ongoing operation with the state of Texas to assist with the migrant crisis at the southern border. According to the state’s update, Florida’s teams of Guardsmen and law enforcement have encountered over 5,800 undocumented migrants crossing the border, have made 190 arrests for felony human smuggling and detained an MS-13 gang member on the U.S. Terror Watch list. Think about that. Were it not for the state of Florida’s actions to send National Guard and law enforcement personnel to the border there would be 190 additional human traffickers operating in this country in addition to a top terrorist. But why would that be newsworthy after all? Would it perhaps undermine the sympathetic coverage of the California Dreamers? Would it perhaps show that Florida’s measures to crack down on illegal immigration to the extent we can are warranted? Your news media are eager to cover the topic of “migrants” when it’s able to color them in a certain light. What they never seem to report is anything even close to the truth about the illegal immigration crisis. Starting with the fact that almost all of their “migrants” are part of it. So, thank you to Governor DeSantis, the Florida Legislature and most of all to those who serve and are doing what they can to address the real story that always goes unreported – except for here. 

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