*TODAY'S CHEAT SHEET IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY... CHOICE MORTGAGE BANK: http://choicemortgagebankinc.com/ Call directly 24/7 at 561-441-2730
5:04 & 7:04: Tracking Trump - The President's approval ratings:
5:13 & 7:13: Protecting the Palm Beaches - Recognizing those who've paid the ultimate price to protect their communities:
5:33 & 7:33: Tracking Trump - The Direction of the Country:
5:43 & 7:43: Most people wouldn't care if most American brands were to go away - would you?
6:04 & 8:04: Cheat Sheet Q&A: Super Bowl Prediction(s):
6:13 & 8:13: A travel ban that you haven't heard about & isn't about immigrants:
6:33 & 8:33: Tracking Trump: Thursday's Executive activity:
6:43 & 8:43: Trump effect - The average 401k holder is nearly a $100,000 aire: