Hysterical Media Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for August 18th:
Bottom Line: These are your daily headlines brought to you by your friends in the Godless, soulless and slanderous news media...For my full commentary on these headlines click the audio below.
The A.C.L.U. Needs to Rethink Free Speech K-Sue Park, New York Times
Will There Ever Be a Breaking Point for Trump? E.J. Dionne, Washington Post
Excerpt: We are past the time when mournful comments about President Trump's disgraceful behavior are sufficient. It is no longer defensible for his lieutenants or Republicans in Congress to tell themselves that they're staying close to Trump to contain the damage he could cause our country. If their actual goal was to prevent damage, they have failed. True, we have not had a nuclear war and Trump hasn't shut down our democracy. But if this is the standard, if these are genuine fears, then Trump should have been gone long ago. A man this unstable, self-involved, uninformed, divisive and amoral -- a polite word in his case -- should be nowhere near the levers of power.
Fire the Supremacists and Topple the Statues John Nichols, The Nation
Excerpt: This is a time to draw clear lines of distinction: You are either with the neo-Nazis, new-fascists, neo-Confederates, and Donald Trump’s alt-right circus, or you are against them.
The Flight 93 Moment Is Now James Kirchick, The Daily Beast
How to Handle Donald Trump Gail Collins, New York Times
Excerpt: Donald Trump is still president. Hard to know what to do with this, people.
The material here is amazing and wonderful in it's absurdity simultaneously. Once again, if you look at these through the prism of Donald Trump being President, and more elected Republicans serving in the United States since the 1920's...it's pretty hilarious! The air of desperation, advocacy and instructions for their "resistance" is comical. These people really do take themselves completely seriously!