Hysterical Media Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for August 30th:

Hysterical Media Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for August 30th:

Bottom Line: These are your daily headlines brought to you by your friends in the Godless, soulless and slanderous news media...For my full commentary on these headlines click the audio below. 

Damn Good question. Or Black Lives Matter. Or Code Pink. Or how about a real easy layup...Radial Islamic Terrorists! No double standard here...

Lol, bravo! - You mean there's a difference when people are inclined to do for themselves rather than wait for government to do it for them...

Wait. I think I can hear it...Donald Trump is a bad man. No, that's not quite right...Oh cow flatulence is to blame for Harvey! Got it! Excerpt: Climate change cannot be definitively blamed for Harvey...But that won't stop you from trying to blame us for it will you?

In the realm of the mainstream media this requires an article attempting to explain you

Excerpt: It's not all about bigotry and ignorance.

I kid you not. That's the actual first line of the story. Any questions about these people?

Two points. Well done Dennis.

The material here is amazing and wonderful in it's absurdity simultaneously. Once again, if you look at these through the prism of Donald Trump being President, and more elected Republicans serving in the United States since the 1920's...it's pretty hilarious! The air of desperation, advocacy and instructions for their "resistance" is comical. These people really do take themselves completely seriously! 

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