What did Irma do to Florida's jobs? plenty of (pleasant) surprises

What did Irma do to Florida's jobs? plenty of (pleasant) surprises   

Bottom Line: It's reasonable to expect Florida to have woefully under-performed the rest of the county with Irma and all. So naturally our job growth was outstanding in September. No really, we outperformed the rest of the country last month. Here are the highlights from Florida's ADP Private sector jobs report... 

  • Total jobs added: 16,200 

Industry highlights:  

  • Manufacturing 600 

  • Natural Resources/Mining and Construction 1,800  

  • Professional and Business Services 2,800  

  • Trade, Transportation and Utilities 3,400  

Well shoot, that's good news across the board! I didn't see this coming. It's all the more impressive when compared to the country as a whole. In the month we were hit with Irma we added 12% of the total jobs added nationally (135,000 private sector jobs). We have 6.3% of the country's population which means we outperformed by 90%! Pretty remarkable. Now, it's possible that all of the fallout isn't realized until the October numbers come in but this is a surprisingly strong report regardless. We'll take the good news and hope that we managed to grow our economy enough to overcome the negative adversity of the hurricane.  

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