The extent of the data being collected on devices will blow your mind

The extent of the data being collected on mobile devices will blow your mind: 

Bottom Line: Would you believe it if I told you that even the way you hold your mobile device is information that can be stored and used as a profiling tool? It's pretty crazy and extremely invasive but it's already happening apparently. The first company to participate in mobile is Samsung. A company called BioCatch which specializes in behavioral biometrics, inked a deal to collect data on how you hold your phone, how you swipe your screen and tap apps to create a security profile (theoretically). Simply put, we're all creatures of habitat and all somewhat unique. This technology is supposed to create a profile about us and be able to detect if someone who isn't authorized to use the device is trying to do so.  

While it makes sense from a security perspective the implications strike me as incredibly creepy. What else are they storing and creating profiles of us about? How many people have every aspect of their lives aggregated, profiled and used for unknown purposes? This has happened for many years when we search online but this is a concept on steroids when deployed on the conduit to most aspects of our life. Am I the only one a little bothered by the implications of this type of technology?  

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