Important headlines for November 7th:

Important headlines for November 7th: 

Bottom Line: These are the stories you don't want to miss (but probably would if I didn't find them for you)... 

Excerpt: The next moves should indicate whether Mueller is attempting a serious and even-handed exploration of the suspect conduct of all relevant parties, or if he is just running another assassination squad against the incumbent president.  

If Mueller is shifting his focus to get to the bottom of the Clinton role on the Uranium One affair (where he as FBI director and the present deputy and acting attorney general Rod Rosenstein, as U.S. attorney in Maryland, prosecuted Russian intermediaries), he will grill his successor and protégé James Comey about the FBI’s role in assembling the spurious Steele dossier. The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee seem to have paid for that dossier between nine and ten million dollars, ultimately to dubious Kremlin sources. If he is really pursuing his mandate to investigate all aspects of Russian connections to the 2016 U.S. election, Mueller will look into the Obama administration’s surveillance in the Trump Tower and unmasking of individuals in the Trump campaign. 

Right so here's the thing. The thing I've pontificated on since the moment of the Uranium One revelations. It's not plausible for him to have not known about the conspiracy with that deal given that a key Russian operative brokering the deal was under federal investigation for a myriad of potential charges including bribery and kickbacks (to the Clinton's no less!). Robert Muller is potentially as corrupt as hell too. So, will he do the right thing or will he attempt to CYA? It's not like the credibility of the republic hinges in the balance or anything either. 

Excerpt: There are Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations on such matters, requiring financial disclosure for campaign research and accuracy of public statements in political ads and materials. Neither the Clinton campaign nor the DNC disclosed any of the work Fusion GPS undertook on their behalf, and there are now FEC complaints filed on the matter.   

But in the end, the Fusion GPS dossier was not about playing fair or exposing the truth. It was the exact opposite. If this was “normal,” why did two Fusion GPS partners plead the Fifth to every question asked of them by the House Intelligence Committee? 

Perhaps that’s why the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which had the dossier long before it was known to exist publicly and used the dossier to launch its “Russian collusion” investigation, continues to block the testimony of two agents who used the document for such ends. 

Right, so it's not actually a question of illegality. We know that a minimum of three federal laws were broken by the Obama campaign, Clinton campaign and DNC based on documentation submitted by the DNC's attorney! The question is if the rule of law still matters and if there's actually equal treatment under it.   

Excerpt: It’s as simple as this: God is sovereign, and every good and perfect gift comes from Him. That includes changed hearts. It includes comfort that only He can provide. It includes the courage to be the “good guy with the gun” who can (and, reports suggest, yesterday did) stop a rampage in its tracks. It includes the clear mind to consider and enact policies that might make a difference.  It frankly can't be put any better.  

Until tomorrow... 

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