Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for January 16th:

Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for January 16th:     

Bottom Line: These are the daily doses of nonsense in the media and my hot takes on them... 

Hot Take: Guess that's the barometer of success now? 

Don't Thank Trump for Pay Raises Just Yet Bloomberg 

Excerpt: The recent flurry of wage announcements has no bearing on this debate. Over time, the test of who's right will be the trend in investment. If the prospect of higher post-tax profits encourages firms to invest, the economy will expand faster than it otherwise would have -- and the extra output will find its way, year after year, into higher wages and living standards. 

Hot Take: So, let's see. The average income based on raises and bonuses is currently estimated to be 3.2% year over year according the US Bureau of Economic Analysis. Companies announce bonuses and extend raises at the best rate since 2007 citing tax reform as a catalyst. So, what does Bloomberg decide to focus on in a pathetic attempt to distract from our literal improved fortune? The future investment trends. Now let me ask...How many times when you've gone to pay a bill or make a purchase has the question about what the macro economic forecast for future investments will be...come up? Or is it simply about whether you have the money to pay your bills and buy stuff? In the grand scheme of suedo intellectual BS - this is off the charts. Btw, the future investment trend will be positive too for anyone who cares.  

Hot Take: If Charles Blow at the New York Times says it, it must be true. Btw, not to let facts stand in the way of good ole' fashioned slander but President Trump's cabinet is 20% comprised of minorities. The US population, as a whole, as of the 2016 Census contains 23% minorities. So, his cabinet closely mirrors the demographics of the country yet he's a racist right? Reminds me of the anti-Semitic non-sense last year around the time of the Charlottesville tragedy. Someone forgot to remind people that Ivanka, Jared and their children are Jewish.  

Hot take: Warning. Apparently, women have been repressed for decades. Apparently, that's Donald Trump's fault. Apparently, the Ashley Judd and Madonna experience of a year ago...wasn't "the moment". Apparently, your wife isn't really happy - she's just faking (the happiness). Apparently, there's an altered state of reality when "The View" is actually the view of especially nasty women (aside from Joy Behar). Have I mentioned recently just how happy I am to be happily married...

Until tomorrow...   

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