Tracking Trump for March 30th - What the President has been up to...
Bottom Line: The President had 236 executive actions, a Supreme Court Justice and tax reform to show for his Presidency through Thursday morning. Here's what's happened since...
In tweet related activity:
I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!
We are going to REBUILD our crumbling infrastructure, and there is no better place to begin this campaign than in the Great State of Ohio. A tremendous honor to be here today at a state-of-the-art training site, where the skills of the American Worker are forged and refined!
JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Unemployment claims have fallen to a 45-year low. Together, we are making the economy great again!
Washington spent trillions building up foreign countries while allowing OUR OWN infrastructure to fall into a state of total disrepair. No more! It's time to REBUILD, and we will do it with American WORKERS, American GRIT, and American PRIDE!
In non-tweet related activity:
Delivered a speech pushing for his private/public Infrastructure Initiative in Richfield, OH
Until Monday...