A country divided entering 2019

A country divided entering 2019...Half of the country approves of President Trump & half doesn’t 

Bottom Line: Being subjected to the incessant, negative, media coverage of the Trump administration you’d be left to believe that you’re on an island by yourself if you’re a Trump supporter. But again, these are the same media types who never believed he had a shot in Hades of becoming president in the first place – so consider the source. With that in mind here’s where we’re starting 2019. With half of the country approving of the President’s performance and half not. Not more. Not less. Morning Consult has kept up with consistent, monthly, approval ratings by state for President Trump and as of their latest, there are 25 states that have positive approval ratings for President Trump and 25 that have net disapproval ratings for him (technically one state is tied but in the case of Presidential politics the tie has historically benefited the incumbent president). 

Florida remains one of the 25 states approving of President Trump. In Florida, 49% of us approve of the job he’s doing compared to 47% who don’t. It’s too early to get to into the weeds with this stuff but in the polling age there’s never been a President with a positive approval rating who’s lost an election. As the 2020 talk heats up keep this in mind and I’ll up to date you as time goes along.

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