The Profit in Cuba – must see TV for the real story of what's up in Cuba

The Profit in Cuba – must see TV for the real story of what's up in Cuba

Bottom Line: The Profit is a CNBC show that stars Marcus Lemonis, Founder and CEO of Camping World. The show typically involves distressed small businesses reaching out to Marcus for assistance in turning their companies around. Most commonly this includes Marcus personally investing in these companies and directing the turnaround efforts personally. It's a terrific show for all who're interested in learning more about business generally and specifically what really goes into having to run a successful small business. In the fall of 2016 Marcus held an episode dedicated to the true conditions on the ground in Cuba. It was the episode entitled "The Profit in Cuba". It's the best depiction of what it's really like to live under the iron fist of communist Cuba. It emphasizes the tragic reality of what I've asserted for years on this topic...That the average Cuban earns less in a month than the average American does in a day (in fact in 2017 the Average American earns more in an hour!).  

At just $25 per month in government allowed income, Cubans are oppressed in a way in which Americans simply can't comprehend. It also demonstrates that businesses are still shut down without warning and confiscated by the government. As tourist dollars have flowed into Cuba it’s provided the Cuban government with more opportunity to repress its citizens. The best path to freedom for Cuban’s is the fiscal collapsing of the government. Americans have been unwittingly contributing to the repression of the Cuban people. The Trump administration’s actions are in the best interest of Cubans and Venezuelans 

There's a lot more to the story but I implore you to watch the episode:

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