To lower your stress, do this for ten minutes daily

To lower your stress, do this for ten minutes daily

Bottom Line: Pet your furry friend. It’s no secret to animal lovers that loving on your furry’s is good for both of you, but new research has specific antidotes. According to a new study from Washington State University of 249 people – pets will reduce your stress. The stress hormone we feel is cortisol. Researchers found the following:

  • Any contact with animals lowered cortisol
  • Petting a cat or dog for ten minutes provided a maximum benefit of dramatically lowering cortisol levels

The moral of this story is, if you’re frequently stressed and don’t have a furry friend. You might want to consider adopting one. If you have a furry friend and you’re frequently stressed out, make sure you spend at least then minutes per day with them. You’ll both be the better off for it. Doing this daily has the potential to improve your mental and physical health according to the scientists who conducted the study. 

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