What are you doing today? Is it worth the risk? 

What are you doing today? Is it worth the risk? 

Bottom Line: Whatever one’s view of what public policy should look like at this stage of the pandemic, there’s something most can agree on. We don’t want to contract the coronavirus today. But here’s the thing, and from a point of logic – it’s especially remarkable to me. Everyday thousands of Floridians start the day healthy but end the day with COVID-19. That surely wasn’t the plan but there was something they did that put them in the cross-hairs of the virus. I’d imagine most would gladly redo their day leaving out what put them at risk given the opportunity. With that in mind here’s a medically vetted chart of daily activities based on risk:

While some of the high-risk activities aren’t currently options in South Florida, a few are...and would you have necessarily thought that working out in a gym would be riskier than playing football? We might think we have a handle on our level of risk but this presents fresh medical perspective and you’re able to see how much risk your plans today might come with during the pandemic. It also might may you feel a little differently about doing certain things. Again, thousands of people in Florida who are healthy right now, likely won’t be in twelve hours. The reason why is probably represented on this chart. The more you know...

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