Top Three Takeaways – July 2nd, 2021

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Top Three Takeaways – July 2nd, 2021

  1. A win for Arizona is a win for Florida. When it comes to voter integrity laws, the first major decision is in and the score stands at DNC 0, election integrity and state's rights, 1. Just two days removed from the Biden’s Department of Justice suing Georgia over its election integrity law, the Democrat National Committee lost its lawsuit against the state of Arizona in the United States Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision. Consider recent events, the House of Representatives passed a federal attempted takeover of elections which among other things would remarkably ban voter ID. Just this week Pennsylvania's Democrat Governor Tom Wolf, vetoed legislation passed by the state legislature that would have mandated voter ID. And the DNC was suing Arizona over its election integrity bill which prevented people from voting in the wrong precinct on Election Day and prevented ballot harvesting. Yes, the DNC was suing to preserve the ability for people to vote in the wrong precinct and for ballot harvesting, while Democrats in Washington are attempting to ban voter ID and Pennsylvania’s Democrat governor vetoed voter ID as Biden’s Department of Justice is suing Georgia over its law. Any questions about what the Democrat party really stands for? But thankfully the United States Supreme Court stood up for the rule of law and some semblance of election integrity in Arizona while sending a loud message to those on the left working to undermine fair and honest elections in real-time. You’ll lose. And that means it’s a win for Georgia and Florida’s election integrity laws as well. Now back to #MakingAmericaFlorida
  2. It’s an ambush. I’ve long wondered how truly removed from reality members of the left and their allies in news media must be to paint the anti-police narratives they paint. In terms of sheer numbers, that we have over 800,000 members of law enforcement who go to work each day, with microscopes applied to every move they make, the fact that you don’t hear about daily police misconduct...even when activists and news media are looking for it – tells you all you need to know about the remarkable work they do. But alas, narratives. What the political Marxists and their allies in news media have done is make society far less safe. Especially for law enforcement. Not only did we have the highest number of law enforcement professionals die in the line of duty last year, we’ve had in recorded history, we now have word that ambush attacks on members of law enforcement have reached record levels in real-time. According to the National Fraternal Order of Police, ambush attacks on law enforcement have increased 91% this year with 150 police officers having been ambushed by gunfire alone. Democrats, Marxists, who support the defund the police movement and their allies in the news media, who’ve fed the narratives, make every one of our communities less safe by the day – starting with those in law enforcement who are made less safe by the day. And what happens on the day when a dearth of good people want to enter law enforcement, or they have to think twice about responding to emergencies because far too often it’s a trap? We’re all being ambushed by defund-Democrats and the news media’s support of it.
  3. Elsa. Frozen 2 was so forgettable I’ve...forgotten. But in the first one Elsa went through a rough patch before coming back around. I think that’ll apply to the hurricane as it pertains to South Florida. She’ll threaten but in the end she’ll come around...or at least leave us mostly alone. After all, she prefers the cold, right?

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