Top Three Takeaways – July 23rd, 2021
- Foolish games. The Biden administration and the medical establishment have no one to blame but themselves for vaccine hesitancy. Lie to people and get crappy results. What else is to be expected? While no one can tell you how effective the vaccines are or aren’t against the variants and while no one can tell you how long vaccines will be effective, Joe Biden said this: If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die. Naturally, at the CNN Town Hall hosted by Don Lemon he was quickly corrected, lest CNN promulgate fake news... Ok, maybe not. Here’s what is true, as of July 12th, nearly two weeks ago now, 5,492 Americans had been fully vaccinated and were hospitalized or had died. I guess the virus forgot to get the memo? Also, how about Biden sticking the landing on the question as to when children under 12 would be able to be vaccinated? Nothing to see or worry about doubt Putin & Xi Jing Ping are on their toes. And as for Miami doctor Bernard Ashby who had the audacity to say If DeSantis were as concerned about stopping Covid-19 spread as he was about coming up with these clever jabs at Dr. Fauci we might not be in this position. Thank you for your pontification. I’m sure you’re proud of yourself for getting attention from a news media currently rooting for more people to contract COVID-19 in Florida so they can try to take down Governor Desantis. Bravo. But here’s what you’ve missed in your infinite wisdom. If it weren’t for Fauci there may have never been a pandemic. And if it hadn’t been for his misinformation, it may never have been so bad. And if it weren’t for Governor DeSantis, we’d have the same number of COVID-19 cases and twice the unemployment. Other than encouraging Floridians to get vaccinated, which he has, what solution do you have Bernard? Giving cheap soundbites to a biased news media that plays to the uninformed is pretty unbecoming of someone who’s supposed to provide solutions. You’re evidently one of those doctors. Noted.
- Ebony and ivory. They still apparently only live together in perfect harmony, on a piano. The saddest part is there was actually more racial harmony in 1982than there is today. Teach people to hate each other and guess what, they do. Put the emphasis on racial differences rather than on the content of one’s character and viola. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse it has. According to Gallup race relations have never been worse since they began surveying on the topic over 20 years ago. Shocking, after all Biden’s the "uniter" and Trump was the bad Orangeman. Anyway, after peaking with 72% of Blacks and Whites saying race relations were good in 2004, they’ve now reached a new low with only 42% saying they’re still good. This while 57% of Blacks and Whites say they’re bad. Once again, this isn’t complicated. The more people put emphasis on racial differences, a la, Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory, the worse race relations get. All of the social justice warriors and race baiters of the day continue to ignore MLK’s dream, thus it’s no surprise that Paul’s and Stevie’s message is ignored as well. We’re more in that homey don’t play that kind of place. Btw, neither does...DeSantis.
- DeSantis don’t play that. Masking kids in school? On Thursday, when asked about it, Governor DeSantis said. We’re not doing that in Florida. Ok? We need our kids to breathe. Is it really healthy for them to be muzzled and having their breathing obstructed all day long in school? I don’t think it is. So yeah, DeSantis don’t play that. But speaking of games that are played... Jen Psaki, of the Jen Psaki drinking game, was asked about Governor DeSantis’s opposition to masking school kids and said: If I were a parent in Florida, that would be greatly concerning to me. So let me get this straight. If my kid isn’t forced by the government to have to wear a mask all day that’s concerning to you? Got it. From a Floridian to Jen Psaki...that Joe Biden is President and that you’re Press Secretary is concerning to me and to the Cubans you continue to ignore.